Andrew, Yes lad, I was wearing a heavier belt than I was last week. You have taken this belt many times before, but of course your backside is very sore and tender now, so the licks will have come really keen. If we are to get rid of your rebellious nature, you have to feel the belt keener each day, which means that it has to be laid on harder each day to achieve this. As I am a fair man, you will be pleased to know that comparing today vs previous days, I didn't increment as much how hard I leathered you, exactly because I knew that this belt would be more severe. I'm also sure that you'll be less pleased to know, that the increase in severity tomorrow will be back to normal, as you've been through the step change of taking this heavier belt. Your backside may be very sore now, lad, but it will be a hell of a lot sorer by the time I've leathered this rebellious nature out of you. While your cousin may think that a half hour of the leather of this belt is worse than taking a thrashing, this is because he doesn't get thrashed nearly as hard as you do, lad. You are a tough and resolute lad, and it would do you no good sparing you the rod, so I always lay it on across your buttocks good and hard. You know the rules only too well, lad, and it was only right that I sent you to fetch your Granddad's belt. You had to be punished for your failure with my boots, it's as simple as that, lad. It had to be done and you had to really feel your punishment, so I did lay it on very hard…
cannot be expressed, soothes the mind and gives it rest, heals the heart and makes it whole, flow from heaven to the soul (Monet).” Feeling good was originally written in 1965, by Nina Simone. This song has been used in the popular culture such as, “Point of No Return” and “Six Feet Under”. A song cover was later done by Jennifer Hudson in 2011, and Lauryn Hill in 2015. Although Nina Simone wrote the song, Jennifer Hudson sang it better due to melody, rhythm, and instrumentation used in her…
Ever wonder who is cooking the food in the kitchens of America’s favorite restaurants? Anthony Bourdain answered this question in his article titled “Who Cooks?” Anthony Bourdain is a chef, writer and has been featured on some reality television shows. He discussed how the line cooks are not who most people think they are; they are not professionals but instead they are non-American men who cannot make it elsewhere according to his experience. Line cooking involves mindless repetition that not…
Hammurabi’s code is composed of a set of rules set forth by a man named Hammurabi. He is known as Babylon’s most prominent ruler; his reign lasting from 1792 to 1750 B.C.E. Hammurabi’s Code reflects the harshness of the social structure in a Mesopotamian society by basing the code on the law of retaliation, not treating all members of the society equally and fairly, and not letting women be full members of the community. The law of retaliation, which is the basis of Hammurabi’s code, displays…
Censorship is a practice that is continuously used to shield people from reality- banning and suppressing speech that is considered “harmful” to others. Banned books have continuously played a significant role in our contemporary American culture- depicting both civil and ethical issues in our society. Ray Bradbury, author of Fahrenheit 451, and Anthony Burgess, author of A Clockwork Orange, were both novelists who produced books that fell victim to censorship, being banned for their artistic…
Antisocial Personality Disorder in A Clockwork Orange. Clockwork orange is a dystopian movie revolving around Alex, the main character and also the narrator. The movie starts with Alex and his group beating up an old man because they disliked how he sound while singing. As the movie progresses on you see a couple more scenes of violence. A particulary important scene is when Alex and his drooges invaded the Author's house and raped his wife. It's clear that Alex enjoys causing distress in other…
Clarice Starling, an agent of the FBI is with the help of another killer trying to save a woman from a psychopath. Throughout the movie, she undergoes series of transformational changes that eventually makes her develop the skills necessary to arrest and capture the killer. The paper explores some of the concepts of symbolism and metaphoric figurative techniques in the film. In the literal interpretation of Anthony Hopkins movie (1991), the Lambs are considered as beautiful, innocent, and…
Few films have ever replicated the controversy of Stanley Kubrick’s A Clockwork Orange (1971). Based on the novella of the same name by Anthony Burgess, which explores the realms of dystopian society, the Orwellian, science-fiction film catalogues the life and crimes of antagonist, Alex Delarge. A young, violent, hedonistic, delinquent with an enthusiastic appreciation for music, specifically German composer, Ludwig van Beethoven. Alex’s ‘droogs’, Dim, Georgie and Pete often accompany him on his…
A Clockwork Orange is a dystopian novel based on Anthony Burgess’ personal experiences with juvenile delinquency and youth gangs in 1960’s England. Protagonist Alex narrates his Ultra-Violent exploits committed as a teenager, before being betrayed to state authorities by his droogs (lackeys) and becoming the first victim of an experimental reclamation programme known as the ‘Ludovico Technique’. Burgess employs a wide array of literary devices including tone, biblical allusion and imagery to…
There will never be a more disturbing or powerful scene other than the one in A Clockwork Orange, directed by Stanley Kubrick (1971) of Alex Delarge as played by Malcolm Mcdowell when he is going to rape Mrs. Alexander while joyously recounting “singing in the rain.” Not even apart of the original screenplay as written by Anthony Burgess, Mcdowell adds a sense of deeper depravity to the situation by singing the tune mad-lib style. This scene finishes with Mr. and Mrs. Alexander tied and up and…