be enough; specific communities have been forced to take aggressive measures. The Amazon Basin and its forests are said to be in danger from ventures such as hydroelectric dams, and more specifically, illegal logging. The Ka’apor Indians, an indigenous society in Northern Brazil, have made a stand to try to stop illegal logging in their area. This community is a tribe of an estimated 2,200 people who are fighting for their forest as a militia with aggressive confrontation. As for the illegal activity in the past, the government hasn’t been able to control or stop it. However, the Ka’apor are willing to risk their lives. This aggressiveness doesn’t come without consequence. The loggers and drivers have been warned by the Ka’apor to not return to their territory. Those that do enter the area are said to be stripped and beaten. However, the Ka’apor have lost 4 of their members from murder and have received numerous death threats. This community hasn’t…
deforestation; these four main vices are the cause of this problem. The world’s forests are complex ecosystems that are rapidly being depleted. According to the World Wildlife Fund, forests make up thirty-one percent of the planet. The forests are responsible with providing the world’s oxygen supply, carbon removal, and consist of hundreds of endangered plants and animals. Some of the causes of deforestation are clear-cutting for agriculture, ranching, pollution, logging, and fire. Around…
their inhabitants, and the earth in which we live. However, recent studies reveal that deforestation has diminished nearly three-quarters of tropical rainforests within the past decade. A world without forests is quickly becoming reality. Deforestation refers to a large area of trees and the surrounding environment being cut down at once. This is a common process used throughout our world as a way to provide more land, food, and resources for nearby civilizations. The government usually…
The environment In latin America needs to be our number one priority because illegal and some legal jobs are destroying the ecosystem and causing animals to go extinct. People are desperate for money and jobs but that is not a reason to destroy all of their natural resources. They are using natural resources at a rate higher than ever before. Ecosystems in Latin america are dying off because the things that they need to survive are being sold as profit or there homes are being turned into crop…
William Blue also known as Billy Blue was born in 1767 in Jamaica, New York City. However, in 1796 Blue was living in Deptford, London, working as a chocolate maker and a labourer in ships in the River Thames. Later that year on the 4th October at Maidstone, Kent, Blue was convicted of stealing raw sugar and was sentenced to seven years’ transportation. Blue was travelling onboard a convict ship called Minorca with 297 other convicts. The convicts were housed below deck, in tiny confined spaces…
is the global phenomenon of clearing forests that make a huge impact on the environment. The impact of the phenomenon is so huge and vastly spread that almost all aspects of our life get affected by deforestation. The responses are really relevant and significant. Their responses also show the presence of depth and breadth of knowledge on this particular issue. The second question involves the discussion on finding proper causes and their effects of deforestation. Mary thinks that there are…
place, up here – the loggers and the woodland caribou, the owls and the elk. We are all hanging on up here and I hope we always will be.” Bass sees logging as a vital element in the system of his place but he can also see the forest for the trees. He knows that opening the last cores, or road-less wilderness areas, for the use of big timber companies will leave both the loggers and the wilderness in worse shape. According to Bass the Forest Service is the world’s largest road building company…
What is identity theft? Under the Identity Theft and Assumption Deterrence Act (ITADA), identity theft is defined as the knowing transfer, possession, or usage of any name or number that identifies another person, with the intent of committing or aiding or abetting a crime. This kind of crime can generate substantial losses to consumers which include the opportunity costs of time spent disputing fraudulent claims, closing existing accounts, and opening new accounts. Still, these may be only…
problems that drugs are used to solve in peoples’ lives. There is a need that is being filled by drug use. In my experience, my drug use stems from some combination of a lack of appropriate coping techniques, unrealistic life expectations, abuse or neglect, and missing immediate and extended family bonds. As with all trade, smuggling is driven by supply and demand. The supplies need to be controlled as much as possible by their host countries and the demand needs to be reduced by their…
The end of the Cold War marked the beginning of a series of events in Latin America; first, the return of democracy after years of military rule; and then, the emergence of new threats to the internal security of countries. Peru is no exception in confronting threats: terrorism, drug trafficking, narcoterrorism, illegal mining, illegal logging, and organized crime, among others. These threats are affecting the internal order, the environment, the economy and the health of the Peruvian…