Ever have parents yelling from the sidelines or through the fence during one of your best games? Many parents want their kids to succeed, but push them too hard and too much. Some parents don’t realize is that they are actually harming their kids not helping, parents think it’s support but kids think it’s pressure. Parental pressure does affect student athletics because some feel like failures others get burnout by the time high school ends and even college. Parental pressure is why many kids don’t play anymore. According to Hyman, “Researchers at Michigan State University have studied the attrition rates among youth athletes: 70 percent drop out by age 13 ” (Hyman). Parents don’t think we do our best, but we really do. Trying your best isn’t the only thing you can do, but “Just because we don’t succeed on the field doesn’t mean we’re not doing our best we can. Remember it’s supposed to be fun” (Wolff and Groehner). Sports are supposed to be fun for everyone, but sometimes they can be taken too far. Sports are to be fun and win every now and then but, that’s not what it’s all about “ Winning was just one of 81 determinants that makes playing sports enjoyable for children, and it was rated 48th, which means that there are 47 more important things that children, coaches, parents and league administrators should be focusing on,…
Chinese American Students Experience High Parental Pressure According to the data from the U.S. Census Bureau, Chinese Americans are the largest ethnic group of Asian demographic in the United States. Their population has been increasing tremendously by 37.9% in this decade (Hoeffel 15). Being one of the largest ethnic group in the United States, their presence has significant impacts on various aspects that relate to the overall development of the country, these include but are not limited to…
Parental Pressure Experienced by Chinese American High School Students According to the data from the U.S. Census Bureau, Chinese Americans are the largest ethnic group of Asian demographic in the United States. Their population has been increasing tremendously by 37.9% in this decade (Hoeffel 15). Being one of the largest ethnic group in the United States, their presence has significant impacts on various aspects that relate to the overall development of the country, these include but not…
they may not know about the conditions of students. In William Zinsser’s “College Pressures”, he addresses four college pressures through classifying, exemplifying, and analyzing cause and effect. Classification and division is a rhetorical strategy that breaks…
Many college students have to face different pressures in today’s education. In Zinsser’s essay, “College Pressure”, he focused on four college pressures such as economic pressure, parental pressure, peer pressure, and self-induced pressure and view them as negative for students. Instead of viewing the four pressures negatively, he should realize that these pressures will be valuable for the student in the long run. Dealing with a variety of pressure can help students to motivate themselves to…
Many people think of college as a simple life, which makes students carefree and have fun. In fact, this is usually a very stressful time for most people. Students are under pressure to enter university, such as peer pressure, stress, parental stress and financial stress. In this article, “university stress” William Zinsser tries to show us the most important stress of college students. He said in the first article that there are four main pressures on students’ stress, they have financial…
adult. It is without a doubt very challenging, which brings us students’ immense pressure. It is not an easy experience for even some of the most intelligent people. This has been recognized in history with people such as Albert Einstein, who in 1885, failed his first entrance exam in college. Why did one of the most respected physicians in history not prosper in college? Clearly Einstein had the intelligence. However, there are so many other factors to success in college. Many people would…
It has come to my attention that sports at Monticello Trails has caused many students to become less than their full potential. Sports should be eliminated for many reasons; concussions, parental pressure, and a distraction from education. Many experts say sports in middle school are not nearly as high contact as high school sports. I’m not sure about other schools, but at MTMS sports seem almost as surreal as Mill Valley’s teams. I myself have broken my growth plate and I got a concussion…
Question 1 (442) College Pressures Zinsser’s narrative informs the four kinds of pressures students face in the 1970s: economic pressure, parental pressure, peer pressure and self-induced pressure. Zinsser’s four kinds of pressures described in the 1970s are the same pressures that troubled students face at this present time. In the inflation economy millenniums live in, it forces them to pay outrageous tuition, room and board. In the twenty-first century, it’s not unusual for…
she wants her daughter to be successful, but her daughter does not want to do that. Additionally, Amy Tan also described that the effects of mother’s high expectations for her life. The story demonstrated that parent’s expectation clearly influences the adolescent’s expectation. Parents are very important to contribution child’s characteristics. The ages be more effective by parental expectation is adolescence. Parental expectations effect adolescent’s education and their behaviors. …