Gun Control Persuasive Essay

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    continued. America needs stricter gun control laws and background checks because innocent people die and people go on rampages killing people. Many people own guns in the United States. Many people who own those guns should not own a gun. America needs stricter background checks on people who want to own a gun because, There are so many bad people in the world that own a gun and put innocent people at a high risk…

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    Bruce Willis once said, “If you take the guns away from the legal gun owners, then the only people who would have guns would be the bad guys (Willis). That perception of gun control is stated very clearly, and accurately. Criminals all have one characteristic in common. They don’t follow the laws. Yet some believe law abiding citizens should lose some of their rights because of the actions of those unlawful citizens. They are wrong. Gun control is needed in our country to ensure our safety, but…

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    In 1989, California became the first state to pass a law restricting the use of assault rifles, which have a high rate of fire capacity. The Gun Control Act of 1968 requires citizens to be at least 18 years old to buy shotguns, rifles, and ammunition. Other firearms, like handguns, can only be sold to citizens ages 21 and up. Only 12 of 50 states require permits to purchase handguns. Three of the states require permits to purchase rifles and shotguns. Most states require a permit to carry…

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    Schools in Hayward. There’s been a messy dilemma with guns recently, and whether they should be allowed in the first place. However, even gun laws can’t stop gun crimes and violence. In 2014, Australia’s murder rate fell to less than 1 killing per 100,000 people-- a murder rate ⅕ the size of America’s murder rate (Leaf 2018). Recently, we’ve faced multiple mass shootings, with Stoneman Douglas High’s tragedy, and last year’s Las Vegas shooting. A real reason to why I’m writing to you today would…

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    therefore he shouldn 't have had access to guns. Consequently, before owning a gun or having a gun in a household, you should impose psychological exams, apart from background checks to ensure…

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    Wherever the President travels, he has by his side a crew of men, ready to lay down their lives to protect him. However, these protectors aren’t human shields; they are guardians, ready to fight back at a moment’s notice. So, what do the defenders of the world’s most important man use to ensure the safety of their charge? Guns. To a criminal ready to take a life, the only deterrent is meeting the fate he or she hopes to inflict on innocent others. So, if we as a nation trust firearms to…

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    Having the capacity to carry a concealed gun has been a questionable topic for a considerable period. Numerous individuals can carry concealed weapons since it is a type of self-protection. On the off chance that somebody carrying a concealed weapon is assaulted, they will have something to fight back with. On the other hand, individuals who are against carrying concealed guns say that it is not a compelling type of self-protection. On the off chance that somebody is attacked, they say that the…

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    A study in 2010 by the FBI: UCR, one of these things happens every 25.3 seconds. If we had the any citizen had the right to own guns, they can protect themselves against these violent crimes and even turn the tables. Numbers for these crimes would jump down dramatically and giving the sense of safety. Protection can not only just be used for crimes, but also invasions from other countries. Many wars have happened in the past and many are bound to happen again. If every citizen own some sort of…

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    Granted that this country is not by any means perfect, we indubitably don’t need gun control to make it worse. Unfortunately, most people are blinded by the media and led to believe that eliminating guns will significantly reduce violence and murders. However, this is not the case. It is crucial for people to understand that gun control will actually make matters worse, guns are not the problem, and the right to bear arms should be encouraged and enforced. Primarily, we must first look at the…

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    average of 25 people per day, which is staggering being that guns are a manmade object and this problem can be stopped. There were also more people who were critically injured due to handguns. Imagine if your loved one was one of those people who were injured or killed, you would be devastated. Gun ownership should be tightly controlled by the government. The United States is one of the easiest countries in which to purchase firearms. In 24 states, anyone who is 18 or older can walk into a…

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