describes Alzheimer’s disease. This disease progressively worsens with age, greatly impairing ones quality of life. It is defined as “a progressive, neurodegenerative disease that occurs when nerve cells in the brain die” (JH). It “ranks fourth in the cause of death among adults” and “approximately four million Americans have Alzheimer’s Disease” (kids). Much research has been performed to find information on this topic, but more still needs to be done. There are two different types of this…
Alzheimer's is a progressive disease. When does it begin? And why does it cause forgetfulness? Alzheimer’s is a disease, which causes memory loss, and it causes difficulty dealing with daily life (1). Alzheimer’s disease happens because damage of cells in certain regions of the brain and these areas relate memory (2). Over time, all brain cells will die. As a result, it will cause for Alzheimer’s patient difficulty dealing with daily life (2). It has three stages which are mild Alzheimer's…
Where is the cure for Alzheimer’s disease? The most common form of dementia is, Alzheimer’s disease (AD). Alzheimer’s can be defined as a disease that includes memory loss and inabilities that affect daily life. A common misconception is that aging comes with Alzheimer’s. Although majority people affected with this disease are 65 and above, there is also a 5% of people who are in their 40s or 50s affected by Alzheimer’s. AD is a disease of progression. There are three stages of AD and by…
Alzheimer 's Disease Alzheimer’s disease is not a new disease. “Alzheimer’s” was first described by German psychiatrist and neuropathologist Alois Alzheimer in 1906. Alzheimer’s disease is an irreversible, progressive disorder involving neural degeneration in the cortex that slowly destroys the memory and thinking skills, and eventually the ability to carry out activities of daily living (Karch, 2013). In most people with Alzheimer’s, symptoms first appear in their mid-60, and accounts for…
Alzheimer’s Alzheimer’s disease is a disease that slowly progresses as a person ages. Alzheimer’s disease effects brain memory and also brain function. This happens because the brain cells slowly begin to die off. Normally when our brain cells die off, new ones take their place. For Alzheimer’s patients this is not the case. The dead cells are never replaced by new ones. This is what causes the memory loss and the loss of brain function. Most of the time Alzheimer’s patients will remember…
Alzheimer’s disease (AD) is one of the major causes for dementia, the majority of the people affected by the age. It has been estimated that by 2050, 88 million of the world population will have the Alzheimer’s disease. There are different types of Alzheimer’s disease; for instances, autosomal dominant and sporadic. However, there has not been any permanent treatment identified for this disease. There are several hypotheses stated for the occurrence of Alzheimer’s disease. Major hypothesis is…
Alzheimer’s Disease Alzheimer’s, which at its worst case is referred to as dementia, is a progressive disease that eats away at the brain and controls the ability to function (Horr 2015) According to Mitchell Clionsky, this disease is common among people of older age causing a mental dysfunction triggering the ability to think, remember and reason as well as behavioral abilities. (Clionsky 2015) These factors can drastically affect the body emotionally. Some patients get frustrated and mad…
Since Alzheimer’s disease (AD) was discovered, victims of the disease, family members, and physicians became curious to know more about this now well-known illness. It has inspired many to conduct research to better understand the disease, so this research sets out to examine the pathophysiology of AD. Through this research, the disease was found to be defined as a category of dementia and is analyzed in depth through the understanding of the causes of the disease and how it affects the human…
Introduction The development of Alzheimer’s disease tends to be a slow progression at first although the disease can progress rapidly in each stage without warning. Some people tend to stay at a certain stage for a long time without any dramatic change. Alzheimer’s is one of the main forms of dementia besides vascular dementia, mixed dementia, frontotemporal dementia and Parkinson’s. At first it begins with memory gaps here and there but then progresses to not remembering your closest family…
Alzheimer’s disease is “a debilitating neurological illness characterised by significant impairment of cognition, especially in new learning and executive functions” (Simm, Jamieson, Ong, Garner & Kinsella, 2015, pg. 501). Its impact is not only felt by the individual, but also by family and friends who care for the diagnosed. It causes a change in the way many older adults age, adding more complications and a level of fear for their future, which has ultimately changed the way society views and…