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164 Cards in this Set

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Potser hi ha hagut un malentès
There may have been a misunderstanding.
Vull que hi hagi una hostessa a la reunió
I want there to be a hostess at the meeting.
Quan hi haurà una reunió sobre això?
When will there be a meeting on this?
Hi haurà molts oradors a la conferència?
Are there going to be many speakers at the conference?
Per què no hi havia gent quan ella va arribar-hi?
Why weren't there any people when she got there?
No hi ha ni la meitat del que hi solia haver.
There isn't even half of what there used to be.
No hi hauria d'haver un índex?
Shouldn't there be an index?
Hi haurà algú esperant-me?
Will there be anyone waiting for me?
Hi ha hagut cap canvi després de l'operació?
Has there been any change since the operation?
Quina postura tens en l'actual debat sobre les descàrregues?
Where do you stand on the current debate about downloading?

Where is your stand on...?
Tenen raó els artistes d'estar amoïnats?
Are artists right to be worried?
Com es diu el comerç electrònic mantingut entre empreses?
What is e-commerce conducted between businesses called?
Ha superat el comerç electrònic les formes tradicionals de comerç?
Has e-commerce overtaken traditional forms of commerce?
Quins són els inconvenients d'usar l'opció d'actualitzar?
What are the drawbacks of using the refresh option?
Has reenviat mai un missatge a tercers sense donar el remitent?
Have you ever forwarded an e-mail to a third party without telling the sender?
Quins productes que solies comprar en una botiga (de carrer) compres ara per internet?
What products that you used to buy in a bricks and mortar store do you now shop for on-line?
Porta encara la meitat de la descàrrega?
Is it halfway through downloading yet?
l'últim model

un model modern
a state-of-the-art model
Els darrers ordinadors que han sortit, descarreguen material en gairebé gens de temps?
Do the latest computers to come out download material in next to no time?
Quan triga aproximadament a descarregar un llargmetratge?
How long does it roughly take to download a full length feature film?
És possible que aconsegueixi la informació que està buscant?
Is he likely to get hold of the information he's searching for?
Quina història! = No me la crec!
A llikely story!
Pots imaginar-te com hauria haver estat buscar informació abans de l'era internet?
Can you imagine what it must have been like searching for information before the age of the internet?
Fa meravelles amb pocs recursos.
He does wonders with few resources.
Quan prendràs una decisió?
When are you going to make a decision? [US]

When are you going to take a decision? [UK]
He d'escollir entre un o l'altre.
I have to make a choice between one or the other.
Has fet una bona obra [moral].
You've done a good deed.
Fer les feines de la llar.
To do the housework.
Qui rentarà els plats?
Who's going to do the dishes?
No hi poden assistir.

No poden assistir a la reunió.
They can't make it.

The can't make the meeting.
Aprofita el temps tant com puguis.
Make the most of your time.
Hem disposat que et recullin a l'hotel.
We've made arrangements for you to be picked up at the hotel.
Ell sempre està posant excuses.
He's alway making excuses.
Quants venedors és necessari que hi hagi en una empresa per a justificar el terme "comercials"?
How many sales people do there need to be in a company to warrant the term "sales force"?
Té el coneixement publicitari alguna cosa a veure amb l'edat?
Does brand awareness have anything to do with age?
Quins llançaments de productes són prou rellevants per merèixer un comunicat de premsa?
What product launches are newsworthy enough to merit a press release?
Pot una campanya publicitària tenir mai un veritable valor artístic?
Can an ad campaign ever have true artistic value?
Quantes sintonies publicitàries podries cantar sense pensar-hi?
How many jingles could you sing off the top of your head?
Per a quin tipus de productes ets part del públic objectiu?
What kind of products are you part of the target audience for?
Has presenciat mai en directe una escena publicitària?
Have you ever witnessed a publicity stunt live?
Vol dirigir-se a gent d'entre 40 i 50 anys?
Does she want to target forty yo fifty year olds?
A qui van dirigits la major part dels anuncis mostrats a la tele durant la sobretaula?
Who are most adverts shown on TV in the early afternoon targeted at?
Algun cop t'atures a pensar qui és el destinatari per a certes campanyes publicitàries?
Do you ever stop to think about who the target is for certain ad campaigns?
Com s'ho va fer per a fer-se amb el joc abans que fos tret a la venda?
How did he get hold of the game before it was launched?
Està entusiasmat de tenir el joc abans de la data de llançament?
Is he chuffed about having the game before the launch date?
Per què alguns productes són llançats en dates diferents a diferents països?
Why are some products launched on different dates in different countries?
Com ets? [caràcter]

Com ets? [físic]
What are you like?

What do you look like?
Com és el gos ideal?
What is the ideal dog like?
Com sona?
What does it sound like?
Sembles enfadat...
a) d'aspecte
b) pel to
c) en general
a) you look angry
b) yoy sound angry
c) you seem angry
Us assembleu l'un a l'altre
You look like each other.
Us assembleu (físicament)
You look alike.
Parles com si fossis una estrella de cine.
You talk as if you were a movie star.
Parles com una estrella de cine.
You talk like a movie star.
A qui m'assemblo?
Who do I look like?
Com és la gent de Rússia?
What are the people in Russia like?
Els capellans, juguen un paper tan important a la societat com fa 50 anys?
Do priests play as important a role in society as they did fifty years ago?
Estan la majoria de religions formades per diverses creences diferents?
Are most religions made up of many separate beliefs?

Avui dia creu en l'infern més i més gent o menys?
Do more and more or less and less people believe in hell nowadays?
A quina part del dia és més habitual que els cristians resin?
What time of day is it most common for Christians to pray?
Està tenint problemes en Pau decidint en què ha de creure?
Is Paul having trouble deciding what to believe in?
Quan el CD és un altre verb, hi ha 2 opcions:

Verb + infinitiu
Verb + gerundi
És indiferent amb els verbs: like, start, try, love, continue
No [et] recomano anar-hi
I don't recommend [you] going there.
Espero tornar-te a veure.
I'm looking forward to seeing you again.
Odio assistir a aquelles reunions.
I hate attending those meetings.
M'encanta passejar per la platja.
1) I love taking walks along the beach.

2) I love to take walks along the beach.

[like, start, try, love, continue]
Pot el teu possible futur amo formar-se una opinió vàlida sobre tu per la foto que vas posar al Curriculum?
Can a potential employer form a valid opinion of you from the photo you put on your CV?
La majoria de feines d'alt rang tenen horari partit o intensiu?
Are most high-up jobs part-time or full-time?
Quina és la duració mitjana d'un curs de llicenciatura a Catalunya?
What's the average length of a degree course in Spain?
Com són d'importants els sous a l'hora de considerar una feina?
How important are the wages when considering a job?
Consideres de mala educació fer preguntes sobre el sou d'algú?
Do you consider it rude to ask questions about someone's wages?
Com pot ajudar a algú que és a punt d'entrar al mercat laboral el fet d'anar a un saló d'ocupació?
How can going to careers fair help someone who's about to enter the labour market?
És a punt d'investigar sobre les maneres d'aconseguir la pau mundial?
Is she going to research into ways of creating world peace?
Quins altres mitjans pots emprar per trobar opcions laborals?
What other mediums can you use to research job options?
És vital tenir a mà una tarja professional quan fas contactes?
Is it essential to have a business card handy when you network?
Cal fer contactes per ascendir en la jerarquia empresarial?
Is it necessary to network to climb the corporate ladder?
La gent extrovertida fa millors contactes que la gent introvertida?
Do outgoing people network better than shy people?
**Expressions de desig i voluntat**
(1) To wish + past = una cosa que voldries diferent en el present.
(2) To wish + past participle = una cosa que hauries volgut diferent en el passat.
(3) To hope + present = que una cosa tingui lloc o no.
Tant de bo jo fos ric
I wish I were rich.
Tant de no hagués d'acompanyar-los.
I wish I didn't have to go with them.
Tant de bo no hagués menjat tant.
I wish I hadn't eaten so much.
Tant de bo no fos tan difícil trobar feina.
I wish it weren't so difficult to find work.
Tant de bo no tingués un nas tan gros.
I wish I didn't have such a big nose.
Tant de bo plogui demà.
I hope it rains tomorrow.
Tant de bo vinguin a la festa.
I hope the come to the party.
Quines parts de Catalunya són més propenses a patir sequeres?
Which parts of Catalonia are most prone to suffering droughts?
Hi ha evidències d'una tendència a llarg termini a augmentar les precipitacions i les inundacions?
Is there evicence of a long term trend in increasing rainfall and floods?
A quina velocitat viatja un tornado?
What speed do tornados travel at?
Quina és la conseqüència més perillosa d'una erupció volcànica?
What is the most dangerous by-product of a volcanic eruption?

Quins són els senyals de perill a vigilar pel que fa a les esllavissades?
What are the danger signs to look out for with regards to avalanches?
Per què els huracans reben noms de persona?
Why are hurricanes given human names'
Quines activitats humanes s'ha demostrat que exacerben el procés de desertificació causat per un sequera severa?
What human activities have been shown to exasperate the process of desertification caused by severe drought?

[exasperate = aggravate? exacerbate?]
Quan gent es calcula que van morir a la fam de 1811?
How many people are estimated to have died in the famine of 1811?
Seria la pluja capaç de destruir una casa d'aquella manera?
Would the rain be capable of destroying a house like that?
Què creus que va destruir la casa?
What do you think destroyed the house?
Per què es va destruir tan tros de la costa japonesa al març de 2011?
Why was so much of the Japanese coast destroyed in March 2011?
1. trencar una amistat

2. fer perdre a algú la confiança

3. malmetre la reputació
1. to destroy a friendship

2. to destroy sb's confidence

3. to destroy sb's reputation
Derruir (aterrar) una casa.
To knock down a house.
Algun cop se t'ha inundat la cuina per una canonada que rebentat?
Has your kitchen ever flooded because of a burst pipe?
Algun cop s'ha desbordat el Besòs i ha inundat els pobles del voltant?
Has the Besòs ever burst its banks and flooded nearby villages?
Van haver de ser inundats alguns pobles per a crear embassaments?
Have many villages had to be flooded to create reservoirs?
Quan penses fer-ho?
When are you planning to do it?
Tinc intenció de fer-ho demà.
I intend to do it tomorrow.
Se m'ha acudit una manera de fer-ho.
I've thought of a way to solve it.
Think it over.
Ho intentaré.
(1) I'll try.
(2) I'll try to.

**ÉS INCORRECTE "I'll try it"
A qui se li va acudir aquesta gran idea?
Who thought of this great idea?
Quins plans tens per aquest cap de setmana?
What plans do you have for this weekend?
Per què no proves de descansar una mica?
Why don't you try to get some rest?
Quan s'espera que s'acabin del tot els combustibles fòssils?
When are fossil fuels expected to run out completely?
El fet de baixar el preu del transport públic, encoratjaria la fent a usar menys els seus cotxes i ajudar a reduir la contaminació?
Would lowering the price of public transport encourage people to use their cars less and help reduce pollution?
No confonguem el tema.
No desviem el tema.
No ens sortim per la tangent.
1. let's not cloud the issue
2. let's not confuse the issue
3. let's not fog the issue
Quines són les qüestions energètiques en relació a l'energia nuclear?
What are the safety issues with regards to nuclear power?
Saps d'algú que treballi en una plataforma petroliera?
Do you know anyone who works on an oil rig?
És probable que la gent que utilitza el cotxe per desplaçar-se deixi una petja de carboni més gran que la gent que usa el transport públic?
Are people that use cars to get around likely to leave a larger carbon footprint than people that use public transport?
Per què solien portar canaris vius en gàbies davall les mines?
Why did they use to take live canaries in cages down into the mines?
Es pot permetre un miner patir claustrofòbia mentre treballa en una mina?
Can a miner afford to suffer from claustrophobia while at work in a mine?
Com et fa sentir la visió de molins de vent al camp?
How does the sight of wind turbines in the countryside make you feel?

Quan es va introduir per primera vegada la idea de reciclatge a la consciència col·lectiva?
When did the idea of recycling first enter the collective consciousness?
Quantes ampolles és a punt de reciclar?
How many bottles is she about to recycle?
Al contenidor de quin color ha de llançar qualsevol paper que vulgui reciclar?
What colour container should she put any paper she wants to recycle in?
Vindrà una època quan els governs multin la població per no reciclar certs materials?
Will there come a time when governments fine the public for not recycling certain materials?
Quina és l'excusa més habitual que la gent fa servir per no reciclar?
What is the most common excuse people use for not recycling?
Estaria en George tan preocupat si fos una casa el que s'està cremant?
Would George be so worried if it were a house that was burning down?
Quins tipus de material cremen fàcilment?
What types of material burn easily?
Com se'n diu de la gent a qui agrada cremar coses?
What are people who like to burn things called?
Ser reduït a cendres.
To be burned down to the ground.
** PER A **
1) Expressar un propòsit: "I wear a watch TO KNOW the time".

2) Expressar funcionalitat: "A watch is FOR TELLING the time".
Vaig comprar aquest obrellaunes per obrir llaunes.
I bought this can opener to open cans.
Aquestes llistes són per a millorar el teu anglès.
These lists are for improving your English.
Per tal de millorar la productivitat, hem decidit implantar un nou sistema.
In order to improve productivity, we've decided to implement a new system.
Aquesta màquina és per a controlar el procés.
This machine is for monitoring the process.
Van venir per a parlar-nos del projecte.
They came here to speak to us about the project.
No sé per a què és.
I don't know what it's for.
Revisa-ho per assegurar-nos que no hi hagi errors.
Look it over to make sure there aren't any mistakes.
Per a fer-ho, necessito l'informe.
In order to do it, I need the report.
Quina carretera he de prendre per anar a Girona?
What highway should I take to go to Girona?
Aquests diners són per ser un bon noi i per ajudar la teva germana.
This money is for being a good boy and for helping your sister.
Com diferenciaries una cimera d'una reunió normal o una conferència?
How would you differentiate a summit from a normal meeting or conference?
Algú de la teva família ha estat mai a la Marina?
Has anyone in your family ever been in the navy?
Saps on hi ha alguna ambaixada a Paris?
Do you know the location of any embassies in Madrid?
Hi ha generalment més o menys baixes a les guerres modernes que a les antics tipus de guerra?
Are there generally more or less casualties in modern warfare than in older forms of warfare?
Els ambaixadors són portats en cotxes cridaners?
Do ambassadors get driven around in flashy cars?
Quants alto-el-foc hi ha hagut a la història d'ETA?
How many ceasefires have there been in ETA's history?
Quines armes són conegudes col·lectivament com a armes de destrucció massiva o ADM?
Which weapons are known collectivelly as weapons of mass destruction or WMDs?
Saps d'algú que tingui algun tipus d'arma de foc a casa?
Do you anyone who keeps some kind of fire weapon in their house?
S'ha celebrat mai una reunió important sota l'aigua?
Has an important meeting ever been held under water?
Just després de dinar és una bona hora per a celebrar una reunió?
Is straight after lunch a good time to hold a meeting?
Quin és el millor moment del dia per a celebrar una reunió?
Which is the best time of day to hold a meeting?
Quina és la millor manera de resoldre una disputa?
What is the best way of solving a dispute?
Què sol passar quan és impossible de resoldre una disputa diplomàtica?
What normally happens when a diplomatic dispute is impossible to solve?
Les habilitats per a resoldre problemes són essencials per a un càrrec directiu?
Are problem solving skills essential for a managerial post?
Com abordaries la resolució de l'actual crisi energètica?
How would you go about solving the current energy crisis?
to go about doing sth
abordar fer alguna cosa
1. EXPECT: quan hi ha una raó lògica o n'estàs molt segur.
2. HOPE: quan ho vols.
3. WAIT (FOR): quan implica una espera física.
A qui esperes?
Who are you waiting for?
Estic esperant una trucada en uns 20 minuts.
I'm expecting a call in about 20 minutes.
Espero que tot surti bé.
I hope everything turns out okay.
Ens vam cansar d'esperar-los.
We got tired of waiting them.
Espero que no esperis que et cregui!
I hope you're not expecting me to believe you!
Quan creus que arribarà l'informe?
When do you expect the report to come?
Hi esperàvem molta més gent.
We were expecting a lot more people.
Esperem conèixer-te!
We're looking forward to meeting you!
Espero que en Joan no s'oblidi de la cita!
I hope John doesn't forget the appointment.