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212 Cards in this Set

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variations of __ in height between children of the same age are not unusual and well within normal ranges
6 in
during middle childhood boys and girls both gain about __ a year
5-7 lbs
the intake of too many calories
body weight that is more than 20 percent above teh avearge for a given age and height
why do fine motor skills increase during middle childhood?
increased myelination
injury death rates are __ among american indian and alaska natives, and __ for asian and pacific islanders
highest, lowest
the most frequent injury to children is ++
automobile accidents
the most reliable safeguard for safety on the web is __
parental supervision
__ children and adolescents has a psychological disorder that produces at least some imapirment
a difficulty in seeing that may include blindness or partial sightedness
visual impariment
a special need that involves the loss of hearing or some aspect of hearing
auditory impairment
visual acutiy below 20/200 after correction
visual acuity of less than 20/70 after correction
partial sightedness
speech that deviates so much from the speech of others that it calls attention to itself, interferes with communication, or produces maladjustment in teh speaker
speech impairment
substantial disruptoin in the rhythm and fluency of speech; the most common speech impairment
difficultires in teh acquisition and use of listening, speaking, reading, writing, reasoning, or mathematical abilities
learning disabilities
learing disorder marked by inattention, impulsiveness, a low tolerance for frustration, and generally a great deal of inappropriate activity
attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD)
speech impairments occur in around __% of the school-population
a reading disability that can result in the visual misperception of letters, unusual difficulty in spelling or sounding out letters, and left-right confusion
brains of children with ADHD show less thickening of the __ compared to the brains of typical children at the same age
persistent difficulty in finishing tasks, following instructions, and organizing work; fidgeting, squirming, inability to watch an entire television program; frequent interruption of others or excessive talking; a tendency to jump into a task before hearing all the insturctions, difficulty in watiting or remaining seated. these are all signs of __
the period of cognitive development between 7 and 12 years of age, which is characterized by the active, and appropriate, use of logic
concrete operational stage
From piagets perspective, preschoolers think __. they are largely egocentric and lack the ability to use operations
organized formal logical mental processes
concrete operational thought applies __ to concrete problems
logical operations
the ability to take multiple aspects of a situation into account
the notion that transformations to a stimulus can be reveresed
__ thinking allows children to grasp such concepts as the relationship between time and speed
concrete operational
the process by which information is initially recorded, stored, and retrieved
short term memory
working memory
an understanding about the processes that underlie memory, which emerges and improves during middle childhood
intentionally used tactics to improve cognitive processing
control strategies
vygotsky proposed that cognitive advances occur through exposure to infomration within a childs __
zone of proximal development
influenced by vygotsky, where children work in groups to achieve a common goal
cooperative learning
a technique to teach reading comprehension strategies influenced by vygotsky, students skim the content of a pssage, raise questions aobut its central point, summerize the passage, and finally predict what will happen next
reciprocal teaching
tone of voice
an understanding of one's own use of language
metalinguistic awareness
the use of more than one language
where children are initally taught in their native language, while they learn english
bilingual education
in almost all developing countries, more __ than __ recieve formal education
males, females
stages of reading (4)
stage 0: birth-1rst grade, children learn prequisties for reading; stage 1: involves phonological recoding skills (sound out words by blending letters together); stage 2: 2nd-3rd grade, learn to read aloud with fluency, don't attach meaning with words; stage 3: 4th-8th grade, reading becomes a way to learn, only able to understand when info is presented from one perspective; stage 4: children are able to read and process info that reflects multiple points of view
the model in which the goal was to assimilate individual cultural identities into a unique, unified american culture
cultural assimilation model
the concept that american society is made up of diverse, coequal cultural groups that should preserve their individual cultural features
plualistic society model
an approach to reading where teachers focus on the basic skills that underlie reading such as leter sounds and combinations
code-based approaches
an approach to reading that regards reading as a natural process ismilar to the aquisition of oral languqage
whole language approach
the__ approach is the more supported approach to reading
code based
maintaining ones original cultural identity while integrating oneself into the dominant culture
bicultural identity
a form of education in which the goa is to khelp minority students develop confidence in the culture of the majority group while maintianing positive group identities that build on their origianl cultures
multicultural education
the capacity to understand the world, think with rationality, and use resources effectively when faced with challenges
the typical intelligence level found for people at a given chronological age
mental age
the actual age of the child taking the intelligence test
chronological age
a score that accounts for a students mental and chronological age (MA/CAx100)
itelligence quotient
a tset that conisits fo a series of items that vary according to the age of the person being tested
stanford-binet itelligence scales, fifth edition
a test for children that provides separate measures of verbal and performance (or nonverbal) skills, as well as a total score
wechsler intelligence scale for children fourth edition
an intelligence test that measures childrens ability to integrate different stimuli simultaneously and to use sequential thinking
kaufman assessment battery for children, second edition
intelligence that refelcts information processing capabilities, reasoning, and memory
fluid intelligence
the accumulation of information, skills, and strategies that people have learned through experience and that they can apply in problem solving situations
crystallized intelligence
an intelligence assessment by vygotsky where we look at not onlly fully developed cognitive processes, but those in current development as well. to do this, he contended that assessment tasks should involve cooperative interaction between the assessed inidivial and teh assessor. this is called __
dynamic assessment
rather than focusing on the subcomponents that make up the __ of intelligence, information processing approaches examine the __ of underlying intelligent behavior
structure, processess
a model that states that intelligence consits of three aspects of information processing: the componential element, the experiential element, and teh contexual element
triarchic theory of intelligence
a publication of a blood by richard herrnstien stating that the avetrage 15 point IQ difference between whites and african americans is dur primarily to heredity
the bell curve
the setting that is most similar to that of children without special needs
least restrictive environment
an educational approach in which exceptional children are integrated to the extent possible intothe traditional educational system and are provided with a broad range of educational alternatives
the integration of all students even those with teh most severe disabilites into regular classes
full inclusion
a significantly subaverage level of intellectual functioning that occurs with related limitations in two or more skill areas
mental retardation (intellectual disability
retardation in which IQ socres fall in the range of 50 or 55 to 70
mild retardation
retardation in which IQ scores range from around 35 or 40 to 50-55
moderate retardation
retardation in which IQ scares range from around 20 or 25 to 35 or 40
severe retardation
retardation in whcih IQ scores fall below 20 or 25
profound retardation
children who show evidence of high performance capability in aresas such as intellectual, creative, artisitc, leadership capacity, or specific academic fields
gifted and talented
most cases of mental retradation are classified as __, in which no cause is apparent beyond a history of retradatin in the family
familial retardation
the most common cause of mental retardation
fetal alcohol syndrome
special programs that allow gifted students to move ahead at their own pace, even if this means skipping to higher grade levels
an approach through which students are kept at grade level but are enrolled in special programs and given individual activities to allow greater depth of study on a given topic
according to erik erikson, middle childhood is largely about __
the major challenge in middle childhood is __
industry vs inferiority
according to erikson the period form age 6-12 characterized by a focus on efforts to attain competence in meeting the challenges presented by peers, school, and the other complexities of the modern world
industry-versus inferiority stage
chidrens self concepts become divided into__ and__ spheres
personal, academic
an individuals overall and specific positive and negative self-evaluation
a theory that states minority group members are likely to acceptthe majority group s negative view only of tehy percieve that there is little possiblity of changing teh ower and status diffrences between the groups
social identity theory
the lowest level of morla development where poeople follow rigid rules based on punishments or rewards
preconventional morality
the level of morality in which people approach moral problems as good, responsible members of society
conventional morality
the stage of morality that invokes universal moral principles that are considred broader than teh rules of their particular society
postconventional morality
stage of kohlbergs moral development where: obedience and pnishment orientation; at this stage people stick to rules in order to avoid punishment and obedience occurs for its own sake
stage 1
stage of kohlbergs moral development where: reward orientation: at this stage, rules are followed only for a persons own benefit. obedience occurs because of rewards that are recieved
stage 2
stage of kohlbergs moral development where: "good boy" morality: individuals at this stage show an interest in maintaining the respect of others and doing what is exepected of them
stage 3
stage of kohlbergs moral development where: authority and social order maintaining morality: people at this stage conform to society's rules and consider that right is what society defines as right
stage 4
stage of kohlbergs moral development where: morality of contract individual rights rights and democratically accepted law: pepole at this stage do what is right because o f a sense of obligation to lawas that are agreed upon within society. they perceive that laws can be modified as part of changes in an implicit social contract
stage 5
stage of kohlbergs moral development where: morality of individual pricniples and conscience: at this final stage, a person follows laws because they are based on univeral ethical principles. lawas that violate the principles are disobeyed
stage 6
turiels theory that says children distinguish between the domains of social conventiaonal reasoning and moral reasoning
moral domain theory
kohlbergs theory of moral development has difficulty in explaining __ moral judgments
stage of friendship where form ages 4-7, children see friends as others who like them and with whom they share toys and other activies
stage 1: basing friendhship on others behavior
stage of friendship where: from 8-10 chidren take others personal qualities and traits as well as the rwards they provide into condiseration
stage 2: basing friendship on trust
what is stage 2 of friendshipo based on?
mutual trust
stage of friendship where: from 11-15 when children develop the view of frienship they will hold in adolescence
stage 3: basing frienship on psychological closeness
the evaluation of a role or person by other relevant members of a group
the collection of social skills that permit individuals to perform successfully in social settings
social competence
the use of strategies for solving social conflicts in ways that are satisfactory both to oneself and to others
social problem solving
unpopular children may become victims of a phenomenon known as __, because they don't understand the root cuases of thie runpopularity and may feel that they have little or no ability to improve their situation
learned helplessness
rankings that represent the relative social power of those in a group
dominance hierarchy
type of play in which interactions are interrupted when a child feels his status is challenged
restrictive play
a period in which parents and children jointly control childrens behavior
children who let themselves into their homes after school and wait alone until their caretakers return form work, previously known as latchkey children
self-care children
a remarried couple who has at least one stepchild living with them
blended families
children in a blended family face th challenges of __ in which roles and expectations are unclear
role ambiguity
gay and lesbian parents reported __ relationships with their children than did hetersosexual parents
the developmental stage that lies between childhood and adulthood
the period during which the sexual organs mature
the onset of mentruation
a pattern of change occurring over several generations
secular trend
characteristics associated with teh devlopment of the organs and sturctures of the body that directly relate to reproduction
primary sex characteristics
the visible signs of sexual maurity that do not directly involve the sex organs
secondary sex characteristics
a boys first ejaculation
a severe eating disorder in which individuals refuse to eat, while denying that their behavior and appearance, whcih may become skeletal are out of the ordinary
anorexia nervosa
an eating disorder characterized by binges on large quantities of food, followed by purges of the food through vomiting or the use of laxatives
drugs that produce a biological or psychological dependence in users, leading to increasinly powerful cravings for them
addictive drugs
persons with alcohol probelms who have learned to epend on alcohol and are unable to control their drinking
when teens drink because they believe every one else is drinking heavily
false consensus effect
a infection that is spread through sexual contact
sexually transmitted infection
the most common STI is __
human papilloma virus
an infection in the vagina or penis which is caused by a paristie
the period at which people develop the ability to think abstractly
formal operational stage
reasoning that uses abstract logic in the absence of concrete examples
propositional thought
the model that seeks to identify the way that individuals take in, use, and store information
information processing perspective
the knowledge that people have about their own thinking processes and their abiliy to monitor their cognition
a state of self aborption in which the world is viewed from ones own point of view
adolescent egocentrism
an adolescnets belif that his or her own behavior is a primary focus of others attention and concens
imaginary audience
the view held by some adolescents that what happens to them is unique, excptional, and shared by no one else
personal fables
states that poorer adolescents and members of minority groups have less access to computers than more affluent adolescents and member of socially advantaged groups
digital divide
__ are more likely to drop out than __
males, females
the period during which teenagers seek to determine what is unique and distictive about themselves
identity vs identity confusion stage
a period during whcih they take time off form the upcoming responsibilities of adulthood to explore various roles and possibilities
psychological moratorium
psychological investment in a corse of actin or an ideology
maria 4 categories of identity:
1. identity achievement 2. identity foreclosure 3. moratorium 4. identity diffusion
the status of adolescents who may have expored various identity alternatives to some degree, but have not yet committed themselves
the satus of adolescents who consider various identity alternatives but never commit to one or never even consider identity options in any conscious way
identity confusion
a sense of attachement to some higher power such as God, nature, or something sacred
the stage of faith in wihch indidivuals refelct on their beliefs and values
individuative reflective stage of faith
a stage of faith in which individuals develop a broad, inclusive view of religion and all humanity
conjunctive stage of faith
a view that says individual cultural identities should be assimilated into a unifed culture in teh US (the melting pot model)
cultural assimilation model
suggests that US society is made up of diverse coequal cultural groups that should preserve their individual features
pluralistic society model
the sense of membership in a racial or ethnic group and the feeling that are associated with that membership
racial and ethinic identity
identiy from ones own culture while integrating into a dominant culture
bicultural idenity
having independence and a sense of control over ones life
a divide between parents and adolescents in attitudes, valuse, aspirations, and world views
generation gap
groups of people with whom one compares onelself
reference groups
gropus of from 2-12 people whose members have frequenct social interactions with one another
larger groups than cliques, composed of individuals who share partcular characteristics but who may not interact with oen antoher
sex segregation in which boys interact primarily with boys and girls primarly with girls
sex cleavage
children who are liked by some peers and disliked by others
controversial adolescents
children who are actively disliked, and whose peers may react to them in an obviously negative manner
rejected adolescents
children who recieve relatively little attention from their peers in teh form of either positive or negative interactions
neglected adolescents
the influence of ones peers to conform to their behavior and attitudes
peer pressure
adolescent delinquents who are raised with littel discipline or with ahrsh, uncaring parental supervision
undersocialized delinquents
adolescent delinquetns who know and subscribe to the norms of society and who are fairly normal psychologically
socialized delinquents
__ delinquents are typically highly peer influenced
factors explaining drops in teen pregnancies (4)
raised awareness of risk, rate of sex has declined, use of condoms and contreception has increased, susbitutes for sex are more prevelant
Which of the following is an example of a gross motor skill that develops in middle childhood?
throwing a baseball
A likely result of parents’ need to control all of their child’s food choices is that the child will _______.
lack the ability to regulate their food intake later in life
Which of the following is a negative aspect associated with treating children with antidepressant drugs?
little is known about correct dosage
Kelly is proud to show her mom her practice paper for cursive writing. Cursive writing is an example of a ____ skill
fine motor skill
The average height of both boys and girls by age 11 is just under ____ feet.
n the United States, variations in height and weight are usually due to __________.
Although every child has different capabilities, children with ________ differ significantly in physical attributes or learning abilities
special needs
n order to be considered legally blind, a person would have the most obvious difficulty with _______.
distance vision
Which of the following has NOT been a typical treatment recommended for those who have been diagnosed with ADHD?
The newest threat to children’s safety in middle childhood is ________.
using the internet
______ is characterized by inattention, impulsiveness, low tolerance for frustration, and large amounts of inappropriate activity.
Which of the following is NOT a good way parents can help children be more physically active?
Parents should be an exercise role model.

Parents should encourage children to find an exercise partner.

Parents should be directive and control what their children eat.

Parents should make exercise fun.
parents should be directive and control what their children eat
Which of the following children would likely be diagnosed with a learning disability?
Kaylee started to stutter when she turned two.

Trevor was unable to see the board at school last year, so he got new glasses before school started in the fall.

Kendra completely understands the story she just read, but is unable to answer any of the questions correctly on the test.

Bryan’s partial hearing loss has been corrected with a hearing aid implanted in his ear.
kendra completely understands the story she just read, but is unabel to answer any of teh questions correctly on the test
Children who grasp the ________ concept realize that a ball of clay squeezed into a long, thin rope can become a ball again.
Conversational skills, such as understanding that conversations need turn-taking, develop as children become more competent in using ________.
The pluralistic society model was recognized by educators in the early ________.
If a student was asked to group a series of letters according to some criterion or to remember a set of numbers, that student would have to use _______ intelligence to comply with the request.
he intent of the Education for All Handicapped Children Act was to ensure that special needs children were ___________.
educated in the least restrictive environement
The final stage in the process of memory is ____.
________ allows gifted students to move ahead at their own pace even if this leads to the skipping of a grade level.
intelligence tests used today are based on the testing concepts first developed by _____.
Carol uses Vygotsky’s approach in her classroom. Which of the following would you expect to see her students doing?
working in cooperative groups
Children in the concrete operational stage can use cognitive and logical processes and can consider multiple aspects of a situation when encountering problems, an ability known as __________.
Parents insist that their daughter be out of bed and dressed in time to catch the bus to school, but her decision to buy pizza and two cookies in the school cafeteria is her own. This is an example of ________.
In stage 2 of William Damon’s stages of trust, friendship is based on _____.
Which of the following statements demonstrates how a child might reflect his or her self-esteem?
i am not as good at hockey as i am at tennis
Due to the existence of ________ in groups, higher-status members can safely question and oppose those lower in status
dominance hierarchy
n the vast majority of cases, the single parent who is present is the _______.
n Kohlberg’s experiment, a man’s wife will die without a certain medication; however, he is unable to afford the medication and must consider whether he should steal it to save his wife. When subjects are told this story and then asked what they would do, Kohlberg was testing the subjects' sense of _________.
morality and justice
According to Carole Beal, when a girl wants to solve a social conflict indirectly, it stems from __________.
a desire to maintain equal status relationships
________ parents can create a false sense of self-esteem in their children, which ultimately may be damaging
highly indulgent
Popular children are high in ________; they are better at reading nonverbal behavior and control their own nonverbal behavior effectively
social competance
Whenever Nicole has a playdate, she insists on only playing games that she chooses. Which stage of Gilligan’s moral development does this demonstrate?
orientation towards individual survival
In the first stage of William Damon’s theory on friendship, children choose friends based on ____.
others behavior
Which of the following sexually transmitted infections have the distinction of having been recognized for the longest time and were recorded by ancient historians.
gonnorhia and syphillis
Most common STIs are treatable, but can be prevented only through abstinence or barriers such as condoms. However, a vaccine is available to protect against some forms of
Cross-cultural research has found that anorexia nervosa is
quite common in adolescents around the world
Anorexia nervosa primarily afflicts women between the ages of 12 and 40 who are
Obese adolescents have a(n) ______ chance of becoming obese adults.
On average, the adolescent growth spurt takes place _______ in girls than in boys.
nearly 2 years earlier
Developmental psychologist Giesela Labouvie-Vief argues that thinking must be flexible, allow for interpretive processes, and reflect the subtlety of cause and effect in real world events—something that she calls ________.
postformal thinking
According to Piaget, adolescents in the formal operational stage of development use a different form of reasoning than children in the concrete operational stage. This reasoning uses abstract logic and is called ___________.
propositional thought
Ethnic and racial disparities in academic achievement may be largely due to conditions under which minority students live. However, when _______________ differences are taken into consideration, achievement differences associated with race diminish (but do not vanish).
An adolescent with a bad haircut may think that everyone is staring at his head. This demonstrates the concept of ___________.
an imaginary audience
According to several studies, the worries about adolescents' risk exposure during social networking, may be _____________ in the media.
The model of development that seeks to identify the way that individuals take in, use, and store information is called
the information processing perspective
Asian cultures tend to view achievement as the consequence of
In which of the following countries do 15-year-old students have the world’s highest academic achievement in math, science, and reading?
While studying self-esteem in adolescents, some developmentalists have considered race and gender simultaneously, coining the term _________, the combined influence of race and gender.
The new norm for sexual behavior suggests that premarital intercourse is acceptable if it occurs in the context of a long-term, committed, loving relationship. This is called
permissiveness with affection
Among adolescents, suicide attempts are often unsuccessful; by some estimates, there are _______ attempted suicides for every successful one.
as many as 200
When Tonya went to college, she joined a large sorority and moved into the sorority house. Among her sorority sisters is a group of 6 girls with whom Tonya has become close, and she spends most of her social time with them. This group would be considered a
In the last 10 years, the number of teenagers giving birth has dropped by nearly __
More than a quarter of adolescents experience several symptoms of depression, although only a small minority experience major depression. As is true for adults, _______ struggle more with these problems.
The average age at which adolescents have sexual intercourse for the first time has been changing over the past few decades. Today, approximately what percentage of 15-year-olds and 20-year-olds, respectively, have had intercourse?
20%; 75%