. Make sure to give a thorough reply that builds on the previous post, expanding the subject and commenting on the previous post. When replying to post, avoid using words such as "I enjoyed reading..." or "That sounded like fun..." Please make an effort to reply to as many different students as possible throughout the duration of the class.…
It is estimated that a quarter of young women leaving care are pregnant within 18-24 months. Teenagers that become pregnant are known to experience greater economic, social and education difficulties and their children are exposed to consequences of social deprivation and disadvantage. My opinion is that these children should not miss necessary health checks as they should have six monthly LAC reviews where the social worker will ensure that the provider has seen to it that the young person has had all necessary checks including opticians and dentist before the review. Mental Health Outcomes:…
Katie is an introverted sixteen-year-old girl that was homeschooled by her mother until this school year. She is attending school two days a week to take an advanced placement English class and to see a math tutor. She is the oldest of six children with a major amount of responsibility placed on her shoulders. Physical…
I am volunteer in Milan centre . I am going for work experience . I am going every Wednesday with my friends .There is disabled people .There is young and old people .And they do art and playing games .we don't need to do anything . We just help them.…
When I was pregnant with all my children I would be filled with anticipation with what will they look like and who will they be with they grow up. But the sad part of this anticipation is wishing past every stage of their development to see the adult they will become. I often wonder if my mom thought the same things when she was pregnant with me and I wonder if she likes what she sees now that I am an…
Doctors and staff members are experienced and well aware to handle situations where young people come in the facility overwhelmed, confused, and worried on certain financial or health issues. Staff members are considerate of providing an environment that reassures, cater to patients concerns with open arms, are open to answering questions and make sure to clarify so that patients understand well. The facility also prevents anyone from criticizing, shaming, or setting a negative environment for the patients. Not only does the organization provide a safe environment, but also enforces sex…
Every aspect of Planned Parenthood is necessary in today’s society. For example, birth control is needed for sexually active couples who do not wish to conceive a child. Couples who refrain from using birth control have an 85% chance of becoming pregnant within a year. Additionally, it is predicted that 1 in 10 people identify as gay, lesbian, or bisexual. While there are many other support groups and federations that they can join to learn more about their sexual orientation, LGBT members may also go to Planned Parenthood to seek information on same-sex intercourse that may be difficult to find otherwise.…
It is important to evaluate whether or not the EYPP is making a difference to the children who need it the most. In the early years observations take place to assess where a child currently is working within according to the EYFS. This is where a good relationship between the setting and family would make a difference. A knowledgeable key person will know their key child’s starting points and will be able to track their progress through their assessments. In May 2015 OFSTED began including children receiving EYPP in their inspections.…
If CCMS received one million dollars this is what I would improve the cafeteria, update the 7th and 8th grade wing, and sports. I would improve the cafeteria that way it could hold more people that way we don't have to have 1st and 2nd lunches. I would also improve the 7th and 8th grade wing because it's not really the best. First, I would improve the cafeteria. We need a bigger place to eat because everyone is all bunched up and it's way to crowded plus I think this might help other people that are claustrophobic.…
My TE-100 class went to Barr Middle School in Grand Island, Nebraska and Northeast Elementary in Kearney, Nebraska. Due to a conflict I was unable to attend the Barr Middle School visit and went to Walnut Middle School in Grand Island, Nebraska instead. At Walnut Middle School, I observed Mrs. Coble, the seventh grad math teacher. At Northeast, I observed Mrs. Tobey, a fourth grade teacher. After observing both schools I came to the conclusion that the two schools are very different from one another.…
Middle and High School Student Perceptions Regarding the Effectiveness of Teacher-Directed Bullying Interventions Introduction School bullying is an important topic in the field of primary education. It is a widely recognized problem for numerous school environments that poses potential detrimental effects if not properly addressed (Aluedse, 2006). Unfortunately, this issue is often shrouded by misinformation and a lack of understanding regarding the long-term impact bullying may produce. It can adversely affect the educational environment, not only for perpetrators, but for victims and witnesses (Casebeer, 2012). Regardless of the individual’s role, trauma may result from repeated occurrences (Carney, 2008).…
Minors have the right to confidentiality regarding their sexual activity, orientation, birth control, and many other aspects of this type of healthcare. Without ensuring this confidential access, many minors would simply not seek any services for fear…
High prices and the smell of grease are the main characteristics of this place. The long faced workers dressed in red shirts with the logo on the front and long black pants, scraped greasy pans and washed dirty dishes. The identically dressed workers also answered phones, made pizzas and helped others at the front desk. The countless number of hungry customers poured in and out of the building. I saw red all over, red floors, red pizza boxes, red uniforms, red pizza sauce and red counters.…
While watching the video I noticed that teacher was first observing the three children on the slide. The child in the light blue shirt his name is “Nick” and he was trying to interact with the other children. The other children didn’t interact with Nick and he ran over to another area in the classroom where another child was playing with some cars and a tower that allowed the cars to go down different level of the tower. Nick then began to play with cars as well in the attempt to get another child to interact and play with him. Once Nick didn’t get the response back with the other child he then found interest in another toy and then went back to play with cars and repeated what he saw the other child do with the cars and the tower and that…
As we age, it does not mean that we lose interest in sex, but as we grow older, our bodies change and we adapt our lifestyles and sexual practices to accommodate those changes. Sex and intimacy is an important part of a healthy relationship at any age. As Dr. Daniel Sewell (2014) pointed out in his video on Sex and Aging there are numerous misconceptions in regards to older adults either not enjoying sex or benefitting from intimacy. These misconceptions about older adult’s sexual activities may come from our society’s stereotype of elderly adult sexuality. Young people may view elderly adults as individuals who no longer have a desire for sex or being physically unable to have sex.…