Katie is an introverted sixteen-year-old girl that was homeschooled by her mother until this school year. She is attending school two days a week to take an advanced placement English class and to see a math tutor. She is the oldest of six children with a major amount of responsibility placed on her shoulders. Physical…
Observational Study of Infant and Caregiver An observational study is a form of naturalistic observation, “in which some naturally occurring behavior is observed without intervention in the situation” (Feldman, R.S., 2015, p. 27). On September 26th, 2016, an observer secretly watched a young, African American mother and her nine month old, female infant at the chain store BuyBuyBaby in Central Park, Fredericksburg, Virginia. For about an hour, from 15:00 to 16:00, the observer followed this mother and child throughout the store.…
Question 1 From a young age, I recognized my mother as my caregiver and my father as the provider for our family. The concept of women’s role in a family setting as a caregiver and a father’s as provider is not new. As I grow older, I have realized that this view is traditional and does not apply to all men and women or family dynamics. My parents first taught me about these roles by setting them as a standard.…
One male child kept to himself most of the time. I found out later that he was new to the toddler room from the infant area. He was still adjusting. The ratio of teacher to child is 1 to 4.…
My rough childhood had a very big impact on me as a child through out my childhood. I grew up in a small town called Selma Ca was about 5 or 6 years old and was going to Garfield elementary school. I was living with my grandpa and he could hardly support me and him it was only us to I have a biological sister but I only met her once in my life we had got split up when we were very young she got split up living with her step dad and step mother currently living in Ventura Ca and I got split up living with my grandpa in Selma Ca. I had been living with my grandpa most of my childhood because my biological mother had been very sick she had been going in and out of the hospital because she was diagnosed with Huntington disease so she was going in and out of the hospital for…
High prices and the smell of grease are the main characteristics of this place. The long faced workers dressed in red shirts with the logo on the front and long black pants, scraped greasy pans and washed dirty dishes. The identically dressed workers also answered phones, made pizzas and helped others at the front desk. The countless number of hungry customers poured in and out of the building. I saw red all over, red floors, red pizza boxes, red uniforms, red pizza sauce and red counters.…
While watching the video I noticed that teacher was first observing the three children on the slide. The child in the light blue shirt his name is “Nick” and he was trying to interact with the other children. The other children didn’t interact with Nick and he ran over to another area in the classroom where another child was playing with some cars and a tower that allowed the cars to go down different level of the tower. Nick then began to play with cars as well in the attempt to get another child to interact and play with him. Once Nick didn’t get the response back with the other child he then found interest in another toy and then went back to play with cars and repeated what he saw the other child do with the cars and the tower and that…
In her paper “The Teening of Childhood” by Kay Hymowitz that was published in movementforchildhood.com, Hymowitz describes how media is changing the way of the tweens of today. Media has a way of changing a perspective at a childhood to tweens. The main ways media is having an influence on tweens begins with children’s toys, such as Barbie, Mighty Morphin Power Rangers, and Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles. Media has a certain way of changing a young child into a tween that wants so much more. Hymowitz (2011) states, “children with dreams of teen sophistication and tough independence began with Barbie” (Hymowitz 103).…
Discussion To our knowledge, this is the youngest medication-induced erection case ever reported. At present, psychotropic medications, especially risperidone, are commonly used in the treatment of behavioral disorders in children diagnosed with vastly diverse conditions10-12. However, this report showed that it may be essential to monitor signs and symptoms related to genital systems when this group of medications are used. Although this condition is rare in children6, it has a negative impact in the long term, especially regarding sexual dysfunction in the future7. There have been a number of case reports that have demonstrated a relationship between psychotropic medications and abnormal erections or priapism14-18.…
Assessment Summary #2 – T.J. T.J. is a very interesting four year old, that I have had the privilege of being able to continue to observe him. He likes to play cars and rough house with his buddies especially on the playground. T.J. has had ups and down throughout my observation period at the child development center. The second half of the observations I have noticed that T.J. has at times secluded himself from interacting with his fellow classmates. In other aspects of development he has progressed such as in speaking and vocabulary since the start of me observing him.…
It came out of the northwest. It blew all day and all night. By mid-afternoon the next day four foot high drifts blocked our lightly-traveled country road. Not only was the snow deep, but it had been hardened to near concrete consistency by sustained 45 mph winds.…
The Early Education Center For my observation, I visited The Early Education Center, Seagull School. The preschool classroom that I visited consisted of three teachers and thirty children, ages three and four years old. The type of program at The Early Education Center is what I call a “traditional” preschool.…
As I grew older, I never imagined becoming a mother at such a young age. When I was a child, I dreamed of finishing school, and going through all the motions that a young woman should, and of course, that involved attending prom, graduation, and college. When I was just seventeen years old, I found out that I was going to have a baby. So many things ran through my mind.…
a. Anthropologists and Sociologists have long been interested in children as a social group and how their childhoods have changed through history and across cultures the world over. They have sort answers to how we view children, how children are treated, how children develop and the immediate social, environmental and cultural factors that influence a child’s development. Towards the end of the 20th Century researchers started to feel that a more comprehensive, international understanding and view of children and childhood was necessary. Further impetus was given to the study of children and childhood with the ratification of the 1989 United Nations Convention on the Rights of the Child (UNCRC) which recognised that children have rights…
For my observation paper I visited Hilltop Child Development Center and spent an hour in a preschool classroom. The children were having free time when I arrived. Some were flipping through picture books, others were doing crafts, and one particular boy, was playing with dinosaurs. This boy’s name was Ben and I decided to focus my attention on him. Throughout this hour I took note on his level of social, emotional, and physical development in order to determine his chronological age.…