Amendment was place for all individuals. The second amendment is a well regulated Militia, being necessary to the security of a free State, the right of the people to keep and bear Arms, shall not be infringed., only for particular reasons. Gun control laws are needed to control gun violence, to stop people from killing each other, and to decrease crime rates. For example, gun 6control could save lots of families.
Luke Scott a professional baseball player said,”Gun control means control. It means control for the government and the government starts controlling the people.” It’s not the citizens that obey the law that breaks the laws. It 's mainly the criminals that break the law. If the Government starts to to think like the criminals they would know how the criminals think which would really stop a lot of violence with guns. Using the words of adolf hitler, “To conquer a nation, first disarm its citizens.”This means that, if the government could stop selling weapons and start taking weapons or at least out of the wrong hand they could reduce the crime rate. They aren’t going to get them all, but the little bit they do get off the street could help. If they stopped selling guns I personally think that the crime rates will go down. They should force the rules hard. I heard the quote,” He who lives by the sword, dies by the sword.”But, it wasn’t talking about a sword it was talking about a gun. People with that mindset don’t care. So in order for people to get guns, they should have a rule.This rule should state, Any gun buyers must take a personality test just to see where there mind is at. If they fail the personality test they should not be able to get a gun. For example, We could go to take a driver test but, if we don 't pass the test we can 't get our licences. “For target shooting, that 's okay. Get a license and go to the range. For defense of the home, that 's why we have police departments,”said James Brady. This is how people should think in order to get a firearm. If we have more people to think like this that is given firearms there would be a reduced crime rate and less killings. People have to understand that to have a firearm is a privilege. The privilege of remaining battle ready for a legal design is not a privilege allowed by the Constitution; nor is it in any way subordinate upon that instrument for its presence. It is criminal to educate a man not to safeguard himself when he is the steady casualty of ruthless assaults. It is lawful and legal to possess a shotgun or a rifle. We trust in complying with the law. “How many have to die before we will give up these dangerous toys?” If …show more content…
Like in Savannah, Ga A little boy had shot his little brother and his little brother died. That could have been prevented if the parents was more careful, and the government could have prevented it if they have gave them a test on what should they do with the gun. If the person really need to have a gun they should be put in a class. This class should teach them several things. Which is when to use the gun, how to use the gun, where they should be kept and things in that sort. They should know and abide by the second amendment, and after that if anything happen that should the must get their license away. Only if they break the law. If they use it accordingly then, they would be able to keep the weapon. Now, gun control may work or may not work. But if the government want it to work they will make it work. If I had a role I would start gun law restrictions in every state either from north to south or to east to west of the United States. I will make it to where gun control laws stop gun violence, stop people from killing each other, and decrease crime rates, and gun control will save lots of