Guns are dangerous weapon that can kill and make the wrong things to other people. When you hear the sound of gun Certainly, it has a bad thing happen people feel fear and not happy with it. Moreover, if gun can control ever things people are in danger .Sometimes death rate are increase…
As of today, there have been 3,269 gun related deaths in the United States and 12,818 gun related incidents. Fifty seven of those incidents were mass shootings, five hundred and forty were home invasions, and three hundred and ninety two were defensive use (Gun Violence Archive). Most guns used in shooting are stolen in some way or another and yet, we still think that taking away the ability to buy them will stop all of the gun violence. Guns are not going away; it is time to arm those able to carry, allow concealed carry on college campuses, and to realize that taking away guns will not stop the mass shootings.…
This solution requires no change to the current laws that our country has, which would eliminate the need to make changes to the second amendment. The biggest change that would come with this solution could be a better system of education on guns. This education could consist of guidelines such as how to safely load, clean, and carry a gun, as well as techniques on how to properly shoot the gun. With this solution, the biggest financial investment would be put toward the “gun schools”, and the professionals that work there. There are many major advantages that could come from the implementation of this solution.…
The gun control debate has presented itself to be a sensitive topic, especially with the high frequency of mass shootings in recent years. However, enacting gun control would help with many more problems associated with gun violence than one initially thinks. The United States needs more restrictions on the sale of guns because of the high rate of gun-related homicides, the expensive cost associated with gun violence, and the large issue of insensitivity to gun deaths. One of the biggest reasons behind banning guns is the high rate of gun related homicides in the United States.…
Gun control can be defined as, “any action taken by the federal government or by state or local governments to regulate, through legislation, the sale, purchase, safety, and use of handguns and other types of firearms by individual citizens” (Lee). America has internally debated the issue of gun control for over a century. It continues to be an important and pressing issue today in the United States. There are no set standards for gun control. Each state varies in its laws.…
Many gun control laws have already been implemented and have not worked in controlling violent crimes, but for those who legally own guns, safety training may help to reduce the number of accidental deaths in…
Gun Control does not prevent Gun Violence Gun control is a very controversial topic especially in today's society; whether gun control is good or bad is a very talked about subject especially when it comes to the United States. This is a very touchy subject because guns are a part of a lot of people's daily lives. People that are anti gun control believe that no one should be able to put any restrictions on guns. They believe that people should be able to buy a firearm just like a pair of boots or a tool. They also believe that if you take firearms away from the law abiding citizens that just leaves firearms in the hands of people that don't abide by the law and leaves them defenseless.…
Our country was built on the ideas life,liberty, and property. To achieve these ideals the Founding Fathers of our country devised a constitution with a Bill of Rights. All of these rights have led to a safer and brighter future for America. However, one of the most argued and most controversial of these Amendments is the Second Amendment, and it simply shouldn’t be. Guns bring a balance and a sense of safety when used in the right hands.…
That way, there would not be accidental gun deaths. Although it is obvious that guns are deadly weapons and it needs to be taken with precautions, people continue to misuse guns, which is why being further educated can help reduce that. Guns are also getting into the hands of kids. According to the International Business Times, “... 265 people were accidentally shot by kids in America.” With that being the case, it shows that parents in particular are not putting their guns in secure places and away from…
Plus it is not the gun that pulled the trigger it is the person who did. If people are more educated with a gun I think that will help with some deaths but it will not cure all…
Gun Control: Deciding Who's Pulling the Trigger Atrocity and guns, these two phenomena seem to be closely associated with one another. However, how significantly do they actually correlate with one another, and do guns always mean violence? If so, does the current system help the people in the communities around America feel safe and protected? These are some of the questions that are asked in the early stages of trying to reform the current gun control system.…
A second way to demonstrate the danger of simply access to firearms is to examine the correlation between number of guns owned and gun deaths. An article by Max Fisher and Josh Keller states that "the United States has 270 million guns and had 90 mass shooters from 1966 to 2012" and that "no other country has more than 46 million guns or 18 mass shooters". These statistics show a direct correlation between the number of guns people have access to and the amount of mass shootings and gun deaths in general. If legislation is made to simply limit access to military grade weapons or any gun in general, the evidence is clear that there would be a decrease in gun deaths. By comparing the U.S. to other countries so similar, a clear idea can be formulated about what the solution to such a high number of gun deaths and mass shootings that has currently become a crisis in…
More rules against who can have guns will make society safer by decreasing the number of drive by shootings and accidental shootings and save lives. These regulations will also prevent many homicides and mass shootings. Lastly, more laws controlling who has access to guns will help save the lives of people dealing with depression or mental illness that are having suicidal thoughts or actions. Other countries, such as Australia, have put these types of gun control laws into action and have experienced very successful results. Since 1996, Australia's deaths caused by guns have gone down by two-thirds and they have not experienced a single mass shooting (Peters).…
➣Gun Control Exam Essay Twelve year old Jasmine Martinez was happy that bright monday morning it was April 2 2003. Jasmine was in fourth grade she wear pigtails on this day. She was smiling and excited for school monday. She got in the car with her mother.…
In America, there is a growing perception that guns are: they are harmful, they kill, and they commit crimes, and so most guns should be banned. But, how can a gun kill or commit crimes; it is not a living thing, it is a tool. With the use of guns, America has grown to be a strong and independent country throughout history. The push to ban guns will only keep guns away from law abiding citizens since criminals, by nature, do not follow laws and respect the gun free zones. The banning of guns in America should end.…