This solution requires no change to the current laws that our country has, which would eliminate the need to make changes to the second amendment. The biggest change that would come with this solution could be a better system of education on guns. This education could consist of guidelines such as how to safely load, clean, and carry a gun, as well as techniques on how to properly shoot the gun. With this solution, the biggest financial investment would be put toward the “gun schools”, and the professionals that work there. There are many major advantages that could come from the implementation of this solution. The first being that the educated gun wielders would be able to help in dire situations, such as mass shootings or other crimes because if there were many people in the vicinity carrying a weapon and possessing the knowledge and willingness to use it, then they could use their skills to protect the pedestrians in the area that are vulnerable. In his article titled “Simpleminded Gun Control” Jacob Sullum speculates that, “…we generally do not know a gun buyer wants to inflict harm on other people until he does it.” This statement provides evidence that …show more content…
This solution requires our government to go through the process of updating the second amendment, which would require time and money to be spent on the implementation of the updated laws. Major changes that would come from this solution are obviously more restrictions on guns. Examples of this could be magazine size, cartridge or shell size, and whether certain styles of guns are legal for public purchase and use. By restricting these specifications, the organization responsible for the “clean up” of the guns that fall under the restricted categories would face the difficult task of locating all the guns that have already been sold to the public. The process of going through with a “gun roundup” would require a substantial amount of money to complete the operation and could possibly take years to complete much of the task at hand. One major advantage that could come with this solution would be the immediate change in the law system that would appease the people who are currently pushing for stricter gun laws. If the plan works the way it is intended, then less guns would mean less opportunity for gun violence in a perfect world. The disadvantages that could possibly come from the solution above could be problems such as, decreased protection, the money and time spent on enforcing the new laws, and the