Studies have shown that every 30 seconds a child has been killed or injured by a firearm every day. These children would not likely have access to these weapons if the owner of the gun stored it how it should be and unloaded it. Gun control may be able to prevent these irresponsible things to happen to such young and innocent children. One little girl picked up a parent’s handgun and accidentally shot and killed her own mother not realizing what she had done. Parents may not be irresponsible as a parent, but as a gun owner there may need to be gun control around more households and in public where a kid may still be able to get a hold of one. Children are curious and to hear every thirty seconds a gun is near a child and kills or injures them and the gun control needs to stop these poor lives from being ended so soon. For example, with gun control the young boy behind of the Sandy Hook Shooting wouldn’t of been able to get a hold of his mother’s weapons and caused the mass shooting of the poor innocent children if his mother would have stored it properly. If we combine education of safety around firearms to kids and parents as well as maybe distribute free gun safety kits it may prevent a lot of these unnecessary accidents among …show more content…
These arguments can go either way to any situation depending on the point of view, but in order to prevent these accidents and crimes regulations are needed to an extent. People often do not see the importance until put in these situations. If regulations were in place over these weapons people may continue to go against the laws, but the rates may drop and people may feel safer that it is harder to get a hold of these dangerous objects so easily. Be responsible with everything you have, and you can make the world a safer