The Pros And Cons Of Gun Control

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Who should have the ‘right to bear arms?’ Gun Control is an action of the government that is supposed to help reduce crime. There has been a long debate about the gun control over the past few years, whether it’s good or bad. The United States is the most armed nation in the world, the most common kind of guns found in the hands of a civilian are small arms. The reason for this being because of the Second Amendment, it’s giving citizens the right to obtain firearms, either it’s in their household, motor vehicles or on their person. To some people gun control is a safety issue but to others is a criminal issue. Most American thinks that reducing the number of guns sold to people with criminal records and/or a mental illness can prevent the cause …show more content…
Putley states that during the last two years’ majority of American states have abandoned prohibitions on carrying a concealed weapon, mostly in vehicles rather than on the person. Putley critiques the responsibility on the Second Amendment and declares the transparency of the need for the ‘right to bear arms’ to be ‘cancelled’. Historically, the pressure for gun control in America has been generated by two conditions: increased levels of violent crime and the attempts/completion of assassinations of presidents or other politically prominent individuals. It remains easier in the US to obtain a handgun license than a driver’s license. Guns give a rather weak person the feeling of empowerment as they transform violent situations into lethal ones. Although, guns can also serve a purpose other than being used in an act of crime, but rather for a persons’ increase in security. The second amendment is the notorious and much-misunderstood constitutional case. In one sense, Putley’s critiques highlights systematic features in the American political

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