John R. Lott Jr., author of More Guns, Less Crime, reported several occurrences where there were attempts of violent attacks in which citizens had to defend themselves with a handgun. Handguns are used as more of a deterrent in cases like these. The armed criminal is more afraid of being shot than of being arrested (31-32). Through the years, American gun owners believed in a compromise over gun control laws, “give me this now, and I’ll take the rest later, is how David Hardly explains it in his article “Why Gun Owners are Right to Fight against Gun Control.” The first group targeted was the small inexpensive revolver, then the larger assault rifles, or anything that looked like a machine gun. Gun owners had already learned by this point that their opponents would go for any target of opportunity, restricting more in the future, and not finding a solution to the crime (Hardly). The National Rifle Association reported that there were over three million firearm-related checks conducted in December 2015, with a forty-three percent increase from December
John R. Lott Jr., author of More Guns, Less Crime, reported several occurrences where there were attempts of violent attacks in which citizens had to defend themselves with a handgun. Handguns are used as more of a deterrent in cases like these. The armed criminal is more afraid of being shot than of being arrested (31-32). Through the years, American gun owners believed in a compromise over gun control laws, “give me this now, and I’ll take the rest later, is how David Hardly explains it in his article “Why Gun Owners are Right to Fight against Gun Control.” The first group targeted was the small inexpensive revolver, then the larger assault rifles, or anything that looked like a machine gun. Gun owners had already learned by this point that their opponents would go for any target of opportunity, restricting more in the future, and not finding a solution to the crime (Hardly). The National Rifle Association reported that there were over three million firearm-related checks conducted in December 2015, with a forty-three percent increase from December