Underemployment And Unemployment In Canada

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Every year as the summer draws to an end and September comes closer, university students prepare to head back to school. With about one million students enrolled in university across Canada, only about 30% of students graduate with a degree. Canada is among the most highly educated countries in the world, with about 25% of those aged 25 to 64 holding a college diploma and another 27% holding a university degree” (Coates & Morrison, 2016). Students are encouraged to make the transition from high school to university in order to secure a decent paying job. As the country’s population grows we need to analyze the job market and not funnel all of the high school graduates into university. This is due to the economy’s need for a diverse job market. …show more content…
Statistics Canada reported in March of 2014, that almost 25% of people have returned to a form of post-secondary education after obtaining a degree. They returned to school to receive another certificate or diploma. This poses the question of why students are returning to school; is it due to career advancement, a change in career choice, or underemployment and unemployment. There is a high percentage of student that graduated from university with a degree that often end up working underemployed or unemployed. Some of these students end up working in a well paying job that only required a high school diploma. The mass production of university degrees do not correlate to the needs of our economy. Even with the increased need for education there are limited jobs in the economy that require a degree. Governments continue to build universities when more focus needs to be on jobs that the economy needs which require polytechnical schools, focussed colleges and apprenticeship programs. With the financial means almost any student can obtain a university degree. Universities are selling a product, which has great marketability - the anticipation of future success. When the degree does not meet the financial needs of the american dream, this may impede the economy’s growth as well as …show more content…
The salary increase is compared to jobs which require college education, or those who have only their high school diploma. Although university graduates may make more after they receive their degree, student financial debt is a significant factor when choosing which type of post secondary education to attend. Coates and Morrison (2016) discuss creating long term work-learn programs where students have entered the workforce and learn the applicable skills while not accumulating high amounts of student debt. Students wanting to enter the workforce must evaluate what skills they need and how they want to pay for

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