Student Debt Essay

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Millions of post-grads find themselves with student-loan debt in amounts that are outstanding. While the Pell Grants and other forms of aid exist, balances amount so high that students find them paying them off near their later years in life such as fifties or even sixties. Many claim that jobs acquired after attending college to not supplement enough for a successful lifestyle and for payment of this debt. This leaves many to question the the worth of investing in a higher education. Does it pay off in the long run, even with tremendous student debt? Yes. Investing in a higher education is worth the cost because the monetary return is greater and more job opportunity exists even though some degrees are hard to find jobs with.
There is a positive correlation between degrees earned and salaries associated with them, meaning the higher one’s education, the more they can expect to earn. Take the medical field for
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Certain bachelor’s degree provide basis for the argument that higher education is not worth the cost because their return of investment is significantly lower, meaning that of what an individual earns over a lifetime, a large portion of that is dedicated to their educational expenses like student debt. In addition to monetary gain, some degrees offer less job opportunity, such as a B.S. in psychology, which prepares those who don 't pursue graduate studies for jobs like psychiatric technicians and substance abuse counselors, both of which do not have the necessary projected job growth to accommodate the estimated graduates with that major, according to the Bureau of Labor and Statistics. While it may not seem large for some majors, for the vast majority the payout and opportunities are better than just entering the job market with a high school diploma “Because a college graduate earns nearly $1 million more in pay over a working career than a high school graduate.” (Cheever,

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