The jobs that the young graduates are highly educated in a certain field, and if they can find a job in that field then they are good. They are also overqualified for the positions that they can find, which makes their jobs easier on them. There is a website that college students can visit that will help them to find jobs. It’s called Talent Egg, and it has helped students. Also there is a university in Canada that guarantees students jobs by the time that they graduate. If students do not find a job within a year after they graduate then they get to come back and take more classes to help them. Students go back to school and get even more of an education due to this. They get one year free with the college. This college also offers hands on job experience within the degree field. The college also has coaches for students. Even with all of this coaching and job experience, the majors that are wanted are one’s that are tied to technology. If a person has technology integrated within their majors then they would have better luck finding jobs in Canada’s job market. The majors that are wanted in the field are computer engineers and software engineers. These majors will have the most luck in the job market. Another good thing about graduating in Canada is that there are a lot of internships that you can take part in to build up your experience in the field that you are wanting to work …show more content…
The countries people are highly educated but a lot of them cannot find jobs in their fields, and are underemployed. If a young graduated could find a job in the field that they are working in, then they may be fired first. This reason is due to lay-offs and the new graduates are the lowest person on the staff, and they have the least experience and the least skills. This leads them to be let go of first if there are lay-offs in the workplace. Also, a lot of graduates cannot find jobs so they have to become servers until they find something better. This leads to pointless debt due to the low end jobs as servers, since the graduates cannot find jobs in their fields. Computers are now starting to do jobs instead of an actual person, which has cut back on a lot of jobs. They also worry about their students If it isn’t a computer taking over their jobs, then it’s that the new graduates don’t have enough experience. Older, more experienced individuals are getting the jobs instead of the younger generations. This makes parents worried about their children because they cannot find a job in their field of study. Parents also worry about how much school debt that their children are acquiring but cannot pay it back off at server job. Education cost have greatly increased. One of the most overpopulated professions in Ontario, Canada, is the students becoming teachers. Ontario puts out about 8000 new teachers every year, plus the 3000 out of