College The Great Unleveled Analysis

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As time progresses, university diplomas are required for work as they are getting more and more competitive. There has been a huge increase in numbers on how many Americans have enrolled in university. Graduates that began college a few years later specify that “instead of reducing inequality, our system of higher education reinforces it.” Because of this, universities are making the cost of their schools more expensive. By 2034, universities are supposed to go up to 34 percent. Median class families struggle to pay the tuition and low-income families cannot go to universities. For-profit institutes steal from families who cannot afford universities by telling them how these institutes can change their lives for the better but really they are stealing from them and putting them in debt. Going to a university will put you in debt and will take years to get out of.
In the article College, the Great Unleveled, Suzanne Mettler talks about how college
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According to Callan, “families that have a history of sending kids to college will do whatever it takes, even if that means a huge amount of debt” to send their kinds to college. But low income students will be less able to afford college. In 2007, a four-year public university was worth to 28 percent of the median family income, while a private university would cost 76% of the median family income.
In the text book, Mooney talks about race and ethnicity. By 2021, racial and ethnic minorities will comprise 52% of the prekindergarten through 12th grade student population. The white student population is expected to decrease from 61% in 2000 to 48% in 2021. Hispanic students are expected to increase 27% in 2021. Race and ethnicity has a independent effect on educational achievements. The relationship between these two is a large result of the association between race and ethnicity and socioeconomic

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