“ regardless of what you actually learn in college, graduating from a four-year institution may broadcast that you have discipline,drive and stick-to-it-iveness employers still prefer college graduate”(Rampell).Not only does a college degree make you more marketable, it makes you more marketable to a much greater extent of profitable career choice. In today's’ job market a high school diploma is not enough to qualify you for today’s market. Graduates are more likely to qualify for a higher paying entry and upper-level career positions. The higher the Degree the greater the qualification, those with master’s and Ph.D.’s career advancement opportunities are
“ regardless of what you actually learn in college, graduating from a four-year institution may broadcast that you have discipline,drive and stick-to-it-iveness employers still prefer college graduate”(Rampell).Not only does a college degree make you more marketable, it makes you more marketable to a much greater extent of profitable career choice. In today's’ job market a high school diploma is not enough to qualify you for today’s market. Graduates are more likely to qualify for a higher paying entry and upper-level career positions. The higher the Degree the greater the qualification, those with master’s and Ph.D.’s career advancement opportunities are