Why College Isn T For Everyone Analysis

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A college degree is defined to be proof of attending a higher learning institution that has lean one to succeeding in obtaining knowledge for a particular subject. Many has questioned whether they should strive to obtain a college degree, but wondering if it’s even worth getting loans to receive the education. David Leonhardt presents an article called “Is College worth it? Clearly, New Data Say” in which he presents the argument whether or not college is worth attending. A similar article is presented by Chris Matthews known as “Why college isn’t for everyone, explained in a single chart” which explains key points why college may not benefit some people. After analyzing both articles, it was made clear that attending college is a smart financial …show more content…
“Not going to college will cost you about a million dollars” shows that those who do not attend college end up paying more for not attending college (Leonhardt, pg 2). The information provided my Leonhardt shows that ultimately one who doesn’t attend college ends up spending about a million dollars. As many may say that the reason why they didn’t attend college is because they were afraid of debt, the average college debt is only about $25,000. He states that his personal debt was almost identical to $25,000 in inflation-adjusted terms. As people like Leonhardt himself who strived to obtain a college degree were only in debt ¼ of the amount a person without a college degree spends. In addition those without a college must work long hours in order obtain that great amount of money. Even though, college tuition and fees may be expensive it has been shown that the net cost of college is negative $500,000, according to Mr. Authors’ paper. College tuition and fees only equals half the money of what a person who does not attend college ends up spending. People without a college degree are most likely to struggle economically because they do not contain a stabled job or most of the time only get paid minimum …show more content…
“A college graduate will on the average make $1 million more than a worker with just a high school degree over the course of a life-time” presents that those who attend college and succeed in obtaining a college degree are more likely to succeed financially throughout their life (Matthews, pg 1). College debts do not affect an individual the same way not having a college degree does. A college degree does not only grant you more money as a worker, but also more opportunities. It is easier for a person with more years of education to find a college than for one with just a high degree too. A person with a college degree has the opportunity to changes jobs, when they like because they can easily find another job. Others may argue that college does not benefit everyone. “Up to 25% of college grads would probably be better off not pursing a degree” states that a quarter of students from college do not benefit for college degrees, but there is no way for them to know that their investment will not pay off (Matthews, pg 3). Although some students do not succeed with college degree 75% does success. Those who do not succeed in their carrier may be because of the type of carrier they pursed. One who purses a carrier that contains a great demand such as the medical field will not have trouble finding a job. Even students who are undecided on a carrier in

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