Moreover, my target market is do it yourself customers who like to perform their own car services. Also, small car dealership …show more content…
When promoting on TV, the commercial will focus on a penny pincher whose friend is constantly telling them they need to clean their car. The story line will be a comic since majority audience likes a good laugh. The radio will be a good source because it’s the perfect time to advertise a car cleaning product while someone is behind the wheel of their car. Although not too many people read the newspaper now a days, it’s still a way to reach an older crowd. “Furthermore, I will use social media websites, such as: Facebook, twitter, or Instagram to promote my product; since, more than one minute of every five is spent on social networking sites. This information is based off statistics using the world’s population” (Lamb). Following this further, I will have a graphic designer create me a website so, everyone has a chance to get view my product and get