Pros And Cons Of Kids Going To College Essay

Decent Essays
The big picture question In all the articles and the debate I analyzed is “Are to many kids going to college ?” Peter Thiel Former CEO and co-founder of Paypay and graduate of Stanford University and StandFord law school uses a strong form of logos to all his arguments but his main argument is that Kids coming out of high-school need to think more of the future, and of you're self not just stressing that college is your only option to become successful in life. Also for the motion that to many kids go to college is Charles murray who is a Political scientist and Author of two of the most widely debated social and influential social books, and also a graduate of Harvard college, uses great forms of logos and ethos to connect to his projected audience. …show more content…
And also Vivek Wadhwa who is director of research at the center for entrephernuship and research at duke university and senior research associates for hazard law school. Both candidates you and aggressive tone to stress the fact that college is an important stepping stone in your life and will be the building block for your future. But its not only about what is going to college worth it its what can you get from college and what skills can it teach you other then just a good

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