Sawhill's Rhetorical Analysis: Should Everyone Go To College

Decent Essays
Rhetorical Analysis
In “Should Everyone Go to College” Stephanie Owen and Isabel Sawhill express their belief that going to college and getting a bachelor’s degree is not always the best option. They consider it important that every person be fully aware of all their options and consider whether going to college or straight into the work field is best for them. I believe their effectiveness in stating their argument and reasoning is achieved by using Pathos and Logos. By using pathos, they emotionally connect their readers. They also use logos by providing reason and evidence to make the reader understand their argument.
“The cost of college matters as well: the more someone has to pay to attend, the lower the net benefit of attending.”(Pg. 210, Para. 2) Owen and Sawhill explain to the reader that the amount of debt a student has needs to be taken from their career earnings later in life. The more money a student owes in loans, the more money they will potentially lose until they pay off their debt. You also need to consider which path will initially earn you more money. Going to school and paying a ton of money that you will need to pay back, or not
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A word like “marriage” or “parenting”, makes you think of a mother, father, or maybe even yourself. In this essay they state, “Research suggests that additional education improves overall wellbeing by affecting things like job satisfaction, health, marriage, parenting, trust, and social interaction.” (Pg. 210, Para. 3) They go on to explain how attending college effects the social benefits by reducing crime rates and increasing political involvement. They also feel that in some cases, the cost of attending college is far less important than the benefits the student gets out of a college degree. In this argument, Owen and Sawhill make you contemplate on your own life, and the feelings/emotions they induce within

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