By failing to speak up and against domestic violence we condone it ! We are giving violent men and women permission to continue their barbaric abuse. Let 's not become an accomplice of the perpetrator, who tries to deny or justify their actions due to stress, alcohol, or provocation. The reality is that violence is always a choice, no woman or man is responsible for their abuser’s decisions. Children are also affected by domestic violence according to Safe house facts “ More than 3 million children witness domestic violence in their homes every year. Children who live in homes where there is domestic violence also suffer abuse or neglect at high rates of 30% to 60%.” (Domestic). I assume this greatly impacts the children 's development growing up. Think about the children 's fears and insecurities that may develop. Emotional abuse can be just as devastating as kicks and blows. Except for the fact that internal injuries and scars take longer to heal because of how embedded it has been wired into them. Women and men are driven to a state of fear and anxiety. According to statistics “ Men are victims of nearly 3 million physical assaults in the USA.”(Domestic). Proving that women aren’t the only who suffer from …show more content…
Above all it is a crime!- a crime as serious as any other and it affects us all. We all have a part to play in ending it. People are being abused and it can be stopped if people learn that domestic violence can have deep effects on the abused. There are many different ways to help a person who needs help to get out of a violent household. People should learn about domestic violence and the negative impacts. Get involved with your community speak up for those who are too paralyzed to do so, be an example to the rest, push for stricter law enforcement, make the delinquents pay. Don’t condone the abuse speak up to end