So, one …show more content…
SAVE reports, “False allegations are seen under both civil and criminal law. Under civil law, 2–3 million restraining orders for partner abuse are issued each year, of which the majorities are false, trivial, or unnecessary. Under criminal law, about one million persons are arrested each year for intimate partner violence but only 33% of such arrests result in a conviction revealing that hundreds of thousands of persons are wrongfully incarcerated each year”(SAVE 1).
In reference to that, “Persons who make baseless accusations are seldom subject to legal sanctions. Casey Gwinn, a San Diego prosecutor and national authority on domestic violence, admits, “If we prosecuted everybody for perjury that gets on a witness stand and changes their story, everybody would go to jail” (SAVE 1). This comment further exemplifies the time one wishes to spend on these types of …show more content…
In Hines’ study, she records that “A large proportion of men who called DV hotlines were told that the hotline only helped women and nearly 1/3 were accused of being the batterer in the relationship. Moreover, 16.4 percent of the men who contacted a hotline indicated that the staff made fun them” (Hines, 67). The VAWA states that service providers have been given the tools to help a different range of victims, but according to Hines, “These findings are in stark contrast to the training that victim advocates receive that tells them they need to “start” with the concerns and experiences of the victim, believe victims, not judge them, tell them that the abuse is not their fault, and offer resources” (Hines 68). Taking into account all that male victims endure during this terrorism ranging from home to help, how can we encourage these men to speak up. Tsui’s study revealed that victims did not know that services were available for male victims of intimate partner violence (Tsui 5). In order to better service the male victims of intimate partner violence, we must first change the view of this crime. It is hard to fight a one-sided battle and we are leaving these men high and dry. It is imperative to get rid of the double standard and that we take notice that this is not the perpetrators of this crime can very well be a woman. Women are not exempt from getting angry, and a woman is not exempt