Love The Way You Lie Analysis

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The music video for “Love the Way You Lie” portrays a toxic relationship were both partners of a relationship continually abuse each other, but neither have the courage to leave the relationship because they enjoy the abuse. In a way, the abuse keeps them together. The video also shows scenes were after the physically abuse has been done by both individuals, they use sex to show their love/affection to each other in means to dismiss the abuse that occurred. Sex seems to be a solution for their problems but in reality, it is enhancing a toxic cycle that could end in flames. Throughout the video, there is also a burning house scene which symbolizes the concept of destruction which is what is happening in the lives of both these individuals. Masochist love plays a huge role in the violence that occurs in the relationship as both individuals need it to show their affection to each other. This music video, helped me understand a different side of violence, where both individuals use violence to show a sense of need and love for each other. It also helped me see how there can be a pattern in violence which can either keep the relationship going or destroy it.
Apted, M. (Director). (2002). Enough [Motion picture]. United
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While IPV does affect both genders, it is statistically proven that women are affected by physical, sexual, psychological, and stalking victimization more so than men. These findings are shocking once I learned about the long-term effects that abusive relationships have on us and as a society we must spread more awareness. This article helped me once again understand how violence can lead to serious problems which can negatively impact our lives in way that are worse than the violence itself and can ultimately impair the development of the victims’ life in the

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