Annette’s reaction to move in with her mother is a sensible reaction because it allows her to stay above poverty and time and money to prepare for impending motherhood. In Feminist Explanations for the Feminization of Poverty by Steven Pressman, he states that “female parents will have care-giving responsibilities for their children [and] this takes away from the time the they have available to earn incomes” (Pressman 353). Women are expected to be the main caregivers to their children and because of a single-parent household, the mother must take full responsibility of their children without a father to assist in the responsibility. With just one ”household income [it’s] susceptible to large fluctuations as a result of either a bad market or bad luck… the household is more likely to wind up in poverty because there is no else in the household who can make up for the lost income” (Pressman 353). Having a husband or partner, which provides an economic advantage, that can supplement an additional income during an …show more content…
In The Social Dynamics of Family Violence by Angela Hattery and Earl Smith, they state that “intimate partner violence refers tot he physical, emotional, psychological, and sexual abuse that takes place between intimate partners…between two people who claim or claimed to love each other” (Hattery and Smith 205). Intimate partner violence in a heterosexual relationship can be summarized as a person’s desire to control the power in relationship and force women to be dependent on the man. “There are 2.5 to 4.5 million physical assaults inflicted on adult women by their intimate partner per year” (Hattery and Smith 203). This estimation is believed to be less than what may actually occur because domestic abuse is not sufficiently reported to authorities. A reason as to why women do not fully report these crimes could be that they do not see themselves as a victim, knowledge that an actual crime was committed against them, or simply because they believe that it was a one time incident that will not happen again and they want to forgive their partner. In addition, “statistics that are based on national samples of women report that approximately 25 percent of women reported an act of violence in the previous twelve months and nearly half reported at least one act of IPV in their lifetimes” (qtd. in The