The daily struggle trying to leave this man had become paralyzing. A daily grapple which lasted eight years. I became a drug free junkie. Inevitably I grew an addiction to this man. A man who turned out to be a real live Incubus. This demon of seduction took control over more than my dreams. He controlled my mind, body, and soul through his abusive ways.
The emotional abuse nearly destroyed me. It overpowered my mind, crushed my heart, and conquered my soul. It defeated me. I couldn’t help feeling demoralized. …show more content…
He starts feeding me with his fists. Terror coursing through my veins I lay there. I submit to him so he will stop if only for a short time. This period of tranquility never lasted long. He always had a reason to continue with the blows. One day I looked in the mirror at the teeth shaped bruises on my skin, my hair in my hands. Considering he had segregated me from friends and family I was faced with a choice. Life or death. Stay and die, or lee and survive. I packed my son and me up and made the choice to run. The morning dew still overwhelming the car window on that chilly Tennessee morning. We creep out the house and drive. Only stopping for fuel we finally make it to …show more content…
The former years still linger though. The scars remind me that the past is real. Some scars on the outside, and some scars are on the inside. My journey on this road to recovery is far from over. Every day is a new day. A brighter day more than the last. I am starting to remember myself. Who I am. Finding my voice.
I now wear the purple ribbon for domestic violence awareness on my skin to remind me on the bad days that I have overcome this horrific trauma. That I am strong enough not to let this demon break my spirit. Not only does it show me I have prevailed, but it also shows I am indomitable. You cannot defeat me. I believe it is imperative for everyone, men and women to learn the red flags of an abusive relationship. Teach yourself when it is time to leave a bad situation. Because once the abuse has its claws in, you won’t be able to leave.
I have learned that life is full of risks. Without taking a risk you will never really understand the meaning of living. Do not live your life in fear, for fear is really only false evidence against reality. Take a chance. The best day of my life was when I took that risk to leave. Giving myself a chance to truly be happy. The day I chose