Thesis Statement For Domestic Violence

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Domestic violence his generally defined as violent or aggressive behavior within a home, that typically involves the violent abuse of a spouse or partner (Gosselin, D. K. , 2014). Within society today domestic violence is all around us, sometimes it is visible but other times victims of this abuse fail to report such activities to authorities. Furthermore, this paper will discuss the topic of domestic violence, and the intervention programs that are put in place for the minimization such violence. In addition these programs weaknesses will be addressed, and how they can be made to be more effective.
The faces of domestic violence:
Domestic violence can affect anyone regardless of their circumstances, social background or ethnicity.
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Paul, Minnesota, since then over 5,000 other shelters have opened their doors (Gosselin, D. K. , 2014). While Shelter’s are there to help the victims of society, they also have their weaknesses. The shelters can be found to be inadequate and lack to meet the needs of all survivors. Consequently, for every woman that is admitted into a shelter four women are denied access. Another weakness in these shelters is that Women that have teenage male children commonly are not granted access to shelters. This is due to fear and disruptions that could occur. In addition, Lesbians, gay men, and male victims are also denied shelter. Consequently, this is something that should not happen. No victim of domestic violence should ever be refused or turned away when they need help. To continue, this weakness can be improved in several different ways. For example, the shelter could be expanded to fit the needs of the people. The facility officials would not have to turn as many victims away. For example, different parts of the shelter could be opened to be suitable for mothers and their children whether the child was a teenage male, other parts of the shelter could be used to put thus turning more victims into survivors of domestic violence. In addition other areas of the shelter there could be a sectioned off area that is just for male victims. With this being said, funding for such expansion is not always …show more content…
For instance, many rural areas lack facilities and resources for victims. Therefore domestic violence programs should establish and maintain working relationships with state domestic violence coalitions and also utilize partner programs. Domestic Violence programs and Child Protective Services should develop local and regional relationships so that both services can partner together on specific cases so that it can be more easily resolved. (Taggar, S.

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