Why is it if the abuser is famous and they have money the case gets shrugged under the rug? When dealing with fame the lawyers are topnotch, the laws get bent, and people do not get the same consequences as average people would pay. This is what our children see and they perceive as normal, if your rich you can get away with anything. The NFL is a prime example of this, how many people watch football religiously and feel that the players cannot do any wrong. The NFL is a huge corporation in the United States. The Superbowl its self is huge, people every year have huge parties to celebrate this event. Companies spend so much money on commercials so they can be shown on Superbowl Sunday. So why is it that the NFL shrugs the domestic violence as something they should not care about, shouldn’t they care about their image and what people see their players as. They are celebrities, the have an image to uphold, maybe it is not fair to hold them in a pedestal but they choose this lifestyle now they …show more content…
(SafeHorizon) No one really knows why the abuse happens we just know it is an ongoing abuse .Usually the abuser will make remarks to the victim to make sure the victim knows that is their fault they are receiving this abuse. After the abuse is done the abuser usually will act as if nothing happen. The victim and abuser will be happy for a while then something triggers the abuser to want to abuse. The cycle repeats it is self again, it does not stop until either the victim leaves the abuser or the one of them dies, usually is the victim. On the Safe Horizon web page it states that women between 20-24 years are in the highest risk of becoming victims of domestic violence, also more that 4 million women experience physical assault and rape from their partners. (SafeHorizon) Women are not always the victims, men and especially children can also be victims of domestic violence. In the United States nearly 3 million men suffer from domestic violence. (SafeHorizon) Between all the violence the children of domestic violence homes suffer the most. The little girls who see this happen they think it is normal behavior to be treated this way. The little boys see this happen and think it is ok to treat women this way. The cycle just continues until someone steps in or the next generation is