Cause And Effects Of Domestic Violence

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Cause and Effects of the issue At this instance society has become desensitized to domestic violence, it has become the cultural norm. To often we hear of domestic violence from news, radio and social media sources. Whether it involves your favorite celebrity such as Ray Rice’s incident in the elevator with his fiancee or your next door neighbor, the occurrence is far too frequent. Because we are inundated with information humanity has become void of emotion on the subject. This societal acceptance of abuse explains why high rates of domestic violence continue to exist around the world. Many cultures condone domestic violence. Data polling performed by The World Values Survey in a four year span revealed just how culturally acceptable it …show more content…
This acceptance of domestic violence can be so persuasive that many women allow the abuse. The people closest to the abused will be less likely to offer support if society accepts this a permissible. Consequently, more women will be reluctant to report their abuser. One could argue that society’s demands for action was heard. Due to the escalation and recent domestic violence images of players, society was outraged. The NFL was forced to implement changes regarding personal conduct. These changes, which include counseling for the victim sends a strong message of compassion to domestic violence survivors (“NFL Owners Endorse New Personal Conduct Policy” 1). Most domestic violence abusers are not famous or have the NFL in their corner to combat this crime. For this reason society will need to have the same outrage and outcry for all domestic …show more content…
Congress has passed two main laws that relate to domestic abuse. These two laws are The Violence Against Women Act and The Family Violence Prevention and Services Act (“Violence Against Women” 1). Although these law have provided some protection for the domestic abuse victim including prevention programs, hotlines, legal aids and shelters, it has not reduced the number of occurrences. Studies show that “every nine seconds a women in the U.S is assaulted or beaten” (“Domestic Violence Statistics” 1). Furthermore the BJS, Bureau of Justice Statistics states that “domestic abuse accounts for 21% of all violent victimization and only half of all cases are actually reported” (“BJS” 1). Locally under Texas domestic laws the penalties range from a “class C misdemeanor, to a second degree felony, which could carry a penalty of two to twenty years in prison” ("Texas Domestic Violence Laws” 1). The conviction rate is very low in most states in fact FBI figures show that “70 percent of the time prosecutors do not file criminal cases”(“Investigating Domestic Violence: Raising Prosecution and Conviction Rates 1”). The study also suggested that with extra nonmandatory investigative work such as “taking photos, finding witnesses, obtaining protective orders, making arrests, listing multiple crime and submitting their reports in a timely fashion”would cause these figures would sharply decline (“Investigating Domestic Violence: Raising Prosecution and Conviction Rates 1”). A first

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