I am deeply passionate about adult nursing I am already looking forward to a fulfilling career in adult nursing. The death of my mother motivated me. Adult nursing is something that is so deep inside me. I enjoy being needed and knowing that I am making a difference in someone else's life. I would like to see myself as an adult nurse in future that would satisfy my personal goals.…
Growing up I never had a clear idea of what I wanted to do as a profession. No inclination of something that amazed me or pushed me toward it. I eventually chose what I thought would be a good stable career simply because it would be a financially good choice but it never seemed like something I could stick with or love. I discounted anything from the medical field because everyone was going there and I didn't want to be a lost number of people rushing to the same career, I wanted to be a little different.…
In 2015, my eight year old nephew nearly passed away. One minute he was fine, lying on his hospital bed in the Pediatric Intensive Care Unit of Hasbro Children’s Hospital; , the next, a code blue was called and he was rushed to triage and fell into a coma for a couple of days. Yadiel was diagnosed with Nephrotic Syndrome at the age of five. He was a healthy, five year old boy who loved to play outside and at board games with his older brother and me. Suddenly, he became ill and, after numerous exams, received a diagnosis.…
My life is rather very complicated. Of course, I know that I’m not the only one that lives like this, and that other people may have it much worse than I do. Whether its struggle with bills or all together as a family, I still try to do the very best I can. Although we have troubles, I don’t express my emotions of that matter, but rather be who I am, which is being happy and making every day possible. I’ve done community services with my church like going to nursing homes and feeding the people at the hospitality center.…
At an early age I set my mind on a career goal of becoming a Registered Nurse. It will take a lot of work and focus to complete my prerequisites at a junior college (Georgia Military), then I will need to graduate from a nursing program at an accredited University. This will take collectively six to eight years of schooling to obtain my Bachelors of Science in Nursing. I am now fully grasping the amount of work required to obtain my Bachelors of Science in Nursing, but I am more than ready to face this challenge and excel.…
Upon entering high school I knew I wanted to have a career in the health field but never really knew what I wanted. My high school experience was not bad I have fond memories however it was not the best education. I was in an academy called the The Health academy it is a program where it gives students a chance to see what carriers and mindset to what career to pursue. The program opened my eyes but it only gave a me a little taste to what options are out there and what I would really like. I have always been a good student striving for more in my education.…
I am majoring in Nursing program As a freshman student in Marian University. Working in Nursing field is my long-term goals. Getting in a Nursing program, and receiving my college degree is my medium goals. Lastly, learning english is my most focus subject and also consider as short-term goal. In order to met my long-term careers, first I will need to get in the nursing programs.…
I first became acquainted with the occupation of radiologic technology in high school when I had the opportunity to participate in job shadowing. I immediately chose radiologic technology as one of my first choices. I chose it because, like so many other students in my class, I had never experienced getting an x-ray or any other type of radiation modality growing up. I became interested in the science and anatomy aspect of radiation sciences and also was amazed at how a machine could produce images of bones, babies in the womb, arteries, etc. I traveled to Mercy Hospital in Iowa City for my first job shadowing experience where I observed several barium studies of the upper gastrointestinal tract.…
I’ve always had different ideas for a future career path, but as I get older the options slim because I’m figuring out my passions in life. Last year, I decided to take a leap and apply to Pre-Nursing. I’m from High Point, NC and I attended Wesleyan Christian Academy. I am very fortunate for my parents sacrificing to pay for my education at Wesleyan because it is a college preparatory school. Wesleyan has prepared me for college in many ways that I am so thankful for.…
• As a nurse, you have a continuous opportunity for learning. I can opt to work in different departments, where I can grow and nurture new nurses and share my knowledge. I have always wanted to be a nurse, sometimes, life doesn't go as planned. When I graduated from high school, it was my passion to become a nurse and later complete a master to be a Certified Nurse-Midwife. I wanted to do something in my life that is challenging, interesting, and makes a difference in people's lives on a daily basis.…
As a child we have all encounter moments when we have talked about what we would like to be when we grow up; rather it be a firefighter, engineer, architect or what have you. My dream is to graduate with my bachelor’s in nursing and receive a minor in religion and philosophy. The reason I would like to pursue a career in nursing is because I would be able to better assist others’. For example if someone was to get stabbed, shot or stop breathing I only have a limited amount of knowledge of what procedures to perform until medical assistance arrive. And this scares me because I have three daughters and if something was to happen at home or a family gathering I would have no knowledge of what to do.…
Since childhood, I have always dreamed of becoming a nurse. Not only is it my career aspiration, but it is my passion to help people and be a bright component to their dark times. It was my dream to enter college with the end goal of obtaining a Bachelor’s of Science in Nursing to become a nurse. I have completed this first step by beginning my college career at UNC Charlotte. Upon entering UNC Charlotte as a freshman in the pre-nursing program, it has been both intimidating and difficult; however, I have learned a lot about myself and how to be successful in both college and my career.…
In December of 2015 my whole life changed for me when my parents decided they were going to get a divorce. Its been a rough time since then, but I'm slowly getting back on my feet. I've recently has to chose who I would be living with and that was a very hard decision to make. When I was born my mother was a stay at home mom and then once my brothers and I were born she decided to go back to school to become a nurse and that really inspired me and made me realize I would love to be a nurse as well. So I plan to go to college next year and major in…
When I look up “a nurse” on the internet, I will see something like “somebody who care for an ill person.” Thinking about nursing seems easy; however, I believe that there is way more to nursing than a simple definition. Being a nurse is a very influential and rewarding profession. Nurses will care for people through illness up the birth and health. They not only care for people through their illnesses, but they also help promote health and educate the public on disease prevention…
I am told that a personal statement is the one thing that can make or break your application. So in preparation, you’re supposed to do your homework before you even being writing it. You ask mentors, faculty, and other important people in your life what exactly you should write about. They tell you to talk about yourself, but not to talk about yourself. They say give insight but not too much.…