Personal Narrative: The Loss Of Innocence

Improved Essays
The loss of innocence
The sun shone through my window, waking me up to the sound of birds chirping in the tree outside. It felt just like any other morning to my happy ten year old self. Christmas was only three days past, and I was still enjoying my new presents and winter break. As I entered into my living room, my brother Corbin, was watching tv, snuggled up in his favorite brown blanket. I made myself comfortable on the floor in front of him, when his phone rang. On the phone appeared to be my brothers friend since kindergarten, Ulu, who lived in Texas at the time. I watched my brother as they talked, his face filled with confusion and concern. He had called to ask my brother if his best friend and our next door neighbor, Danny, had died. Corbin knew nothing about it, him and Danny were in a fight at the time and had
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Danny never got the chance to feel the excitement of his sixteenth birthday, the pride of getting his drivers license. The chance to go to prom, to graduate high school, or attend college. Danny would of loved being in a fraternity. He loved having a good time and making people laugh. He did not get to fall in love, to get married, or have children. He could have been a great father, he loved teaching kids all the things he loved, and was always the first to admit he was wrong and apologize. He will not get to experience life at all because someone felt they were okay to drive home one night. This is just one story, just how one death impacted my life, however every year we continue to lose lives. How many are acceptable to you, how many of your loved ones are you okay with losing because someone chose to drive under the influence. I lost my brother that night, he will never be that same person. I can not bring back his friend or take away his pain. I can just keep remembering Danny for who he was, how he made me feel, and the difference he made in my

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