It was a beautiful Monday morning in March, there was a slight breeze. It was the day that my life changed forever. As I walked into class and sat down, a friend of mine came up to me asked, “Did you hear?” “Hear about what?” I asked. “About Daniel, he killed himself.” I will never forget those words. I sat there just wondering and trying to grasp what was going on. I do not think I said one word to anyone that day. Walking down the halls I had seen some kids crying and others giving each other hugs. I was one of those kids who shut down when this happened. Even the teachers were quieter than usual. Daniel had committed suicide on Sunday, March 13 2011. He had shot himself with a rifle.
As I arrived home, I just shut down and started crying, I could not stop, all I wanted was for my best friend to come back. At the age of thirteen, I did not understand why or how. I understood what suicide was, but could not comprehend why this was all happening. Nobody knew why he had done this. There were many different theories that I heard as a child, but all I knew was that Daniel was gone. There were days where I would cry and other where I would not say a thing. Grieving for a loss was hard as a kid because I did not know why and what grieving was at the …show more content…
My whole outlook on life was shifted. It made me question many things, one of them being God. I questioned why He would do this; why He would take away someone who I know would have done so much good to this world. As life went on and I got older, it became easier to deal with this loss of a friend. It became easier to cope and be able to accept that he was gone. I truly wish that he could be back. There is not a day that goes by where I do not think about him and the incredible influence he had on my life. He was one of my best friends and it’s hard not to think about someone who you grew up