I didn’t know who I was. I woke up next to a bunch of muddy kids. They all smelled like they haven't showered in weeks. There was two twins, a chubby kid, and probably the skinniest kid I’ve ever seen. Then I realized I smelled just like them. The chubby one woke up startled just as I had. He was confused. He saw me and stared. After a while of his staring my attitude kicked in and I asked “ Can I help you?”
He kept staring then soon whispered “Jack. “
I was confused. I looked down and saw that I had a school I.D. It read Mulberry HIgh School, Jack Gulsky. I was surprised and I started to have vague memories. I looked at the twins and remembered Ethan and Grayson.
I started shaking the twins to wake them up. They groaned, but …show more content…
Simon must of stepped on a trap because the next thing we see is Simon scooped up by a net hanging from a tree. “ HELP ME!”
“ We can’t stay from him. We’ll dig his grave later. We have to keep going.” says Grayson.
I know this is a bad decision but it's either run or die. “I’m sorry.” I mouth to Simon. “NOOO!” screams Simon.
We ran off into the forest. Tears ran down my face and I felt as if heart was in my throat, but I still run. We ran past some boulders, past the skinny kid’s grave, then we see a tree with branches low enough for us to climb. First Ehan, Grayson, and then me. We climbed up as high as we could not knowing where the soldiers were.
“ We shouldn’t have left him.” I say with tears in my eyes.
“ Come on Jack he’s still alive” says Grayson.
“ Ya right, even if he is out there looking for us they would catch him.” says Ethan with a smirk.
“ Let’s just get down from here. I think there gone.” I say trying to sound as tough as I could.
We walk down a narrow path that goes on for miles. There was a sign it read Mulberry 15 miles. A large smile spreads across our faces as we run as fast as we could passing signs that said Mulberry 10 miles, Mulberry 5 miles. We come to a stop. There it was our city. We all had so many questions and we needed so many answers. We all run into the city laughing that we had made it, but something was wrong. No one was in the city. We walk through but see no one. I faint cloud of smoke catches my