Dialogue Essays: Flynn's Holes

Improved Essays
it off, because it meant you had something to hide, and then you would be questioned. It keeps a record of everywhere you go and sends it to the government. It is very seldom used, and when it is used, its for a crisis or very important situations. I dig a hole with my hands to put my detector in. Once I have it off and in the hole I burry it. I can’t help but think maybe one day I’ll be able to burry these memories. I start walking around. I have no clue what to do know. I have the cure and Flynn is with the government; if he didn’t get a chance to escape. For the first time in my life I feel regret. Regret of coming out here with Flynn, and getting ourselves into this mess. I call Flynn’s name. Afraid of being too loud I whisper it instead of yelling. I deicide to head back towards where the vehicles were, but I end up disappointed when I find that everyone 's gone. I head back over the tracks and walk on towards home. When I reach the other side I notice a familiar voice. Miles. I look through the bushes and notice a few dim lights, that are bright enough to show the outline of the government vehicles. “We need to find the girl. She has the cure.” “We don’t have the detector; we must have lost it while chasing her.” “Oh trust me, we’ll find her. We can’t have some kids ruin what’s planned.” Miles walks away. “What are you going to do with the boy?” the man calls out. Miles turns around and says, “Were going to use the boy to get her.” They have Flynn and I’m going to get him. The risks I’m taking are for a good reason, though. My sister needs this cure. I will do whatever it takes to get her. I watch Miles walk over to a vehicle. “Bring him out,” he calls to the guards. The guards assist Flynn out and put him inches from Miles. “Your dad isn’t going to be to happy with you, is he?” “I don’t care what my father thinks. He means nothing to me.” Miles shakes his head. “Yeah, I see that. Okay, well, listen you have two choices. You will help us find your friend or once we find her we’ll kill her. The choice is yours.” He laughs a little like this has no meaning to it, which knowing him it probably doesn’t. Flynn glances over at me and stares. “I’m talking to you,” Miles says aggressively, hitting Flynn across the face. “I know,” says Flynn calmly, rolling his head to look back at him. “I want this to end just as much as you do. So I’m going to make this a lot easier for us. The girl is over there.” A pounding in my head makes me feel as if my brain is going to burst. What did Flynn just do? I try to tell myself I just imagined everything, but I’m too smart for that. I hide behind a bush, my body tremors. “Where?” asks Miles, …show more content…
“I don’t need to hear you guys talking. I’ve got more important things to worry about.” He pushes us into the massive vehicle and steps in. “Lucky you, I’ll be sitting back here making sure you don 't cause any more trouble." Guards sit beside us, eyeing Flynn and I, making sure we stay obedient.
I glance at Flynn and looking at him. He refuses to make eye contact with me. He has ruined everything. Every hope of me saving my sister. Every hope of me saving people who don’t deserve to die. Every hope of washing these memories away. I have a feeling this journey is never going to end.
 The ride is rocky, with slow movements of jolting back and forth. It’s a much faster journey home, but of course we were on our feet and now we have vehicles to ride in. Today has been a long day, with everything that has happened and I can’t help but be thankful that I finally get to go home. I know when I get there it’s not going to be good for Flynn and I, but I believe I can save my sister and the innocent. I glance at Flynn and he nods at me. I have no idea what that means. I narrow my eyes in confusion and look at him. What, I mouth. “Any time,” he

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