“( Verna,21) The creature turns out to be bigfoot, a fear-inspiring creature who has been known for centuries. "Later they studied the tracks and noticed that whatever it was, it had been walking and standing on two feet. That night they heard strange sounds and saw movement in the shadows that made the two men feel very uneasy" (Verna, 22).…
Our Smoky Mountains Adventure This summer, me and my family went on a vacation. It was beautiful. We did many many fun things. This is about our seven-day vacation to Pigeon Forge, Tennessee.…
The Hunted I didn’t know who I was. I woke up next to a bunch of muddy kids. They all smelled like they haven't showered in weeks. There was two twins, a chubby kid, and probably the skinniest kid I’ve ever seen. Then I realized I smelled just like them.…
I heard footsteps behind me stepping on the unraked leaves “CRUNCH” “CRUNCH” “CRUNCH”. I looked behind me but I saw nobody, Then I start to walk a little faster now and as I walked on I keep hearing the crunching noise getting louder. I was almost a block away from my house when I looked back again and saw a shadowy figure figure slowly approaching me,I couldn’t see his face for it was covered with a big black hat. he was slowly approaching me but I took a shortcut through an alley and got home.…
When gathering fire wood, Tim and Gale hiked up a steep hill raising high behind the campsite. While pitching the wood down to the campsite, Tim forgot to let go of the wood, and followed it down to the camp. Boy, did we tease him at dinner! John Renna and Jim Andreae were also on the hike. The following morning a hunter around six in the morning marched through our camp with a loaded gun.…
As i pulled the trigger of the crossbow i heard a loud thwack and watched the the deer run away with blood running down it side.it was a cold october morning at my house my dad and i wher getting ready to head to ionia to go deer hunting. we got there about thirty mins before dawn and starting setting up the the blind at this little open woods area about hundred yards off the hunting trail we finally got settled in the blind and the long wait began. we had been waiting for at least an hour and heard nothing but squirrels and the birds. The wait was getting to be too much…
I peered around the unusually large trees, looking for anything that could have made a noise like that. I grasped a tree trunk feeling something crumple beneath my palm. “It Follows” I read on the old stained piece of paper. I walk around some more and find another piece of paper except this one said “He’s Here”. I hear the sound again but this…
When I was very little, walking up the trail with a pack on my back and the dog at my side, I would reach out and pull leaves from the bushes and trees. I would tear off corners, smooth the edges, and they would be turned into spaceships, flying across a lush alien world. Sometimes the trail, worn down into the ground over time by paws and hooves, would climb its way up onto the crests of ridges and meander across the moist, mossy fringes of muskegs. The rough, black and gnarled spruce branches that grew there were pirate spacecraft, pursued by the sleek birch branches from beyond the muskeg's soggy borders. As imaginary lasers and rockets exploded against the ships' hulls, I would rip off little pieces of bark and let them fall to the forest floor.…
I once went on a hike on the Appalachian Trail with my mother. We set off and it started to rain on the first day, and my mom began to complain. By the end of the day, I wanted to jump off the mountain before I pushed her off it. Suffice to say, we were not well-suited hiking partners, due to our different processes; my mother dealt with her grievances by talking about the cold. On the other hand, I was just as miserable, but I attempted to ignore the dismal weather.…
Baseball Baseball has always been one of my favorite sports, and it will always be the longest sport I’ve played. A total of 9 years in Khoury league and 2 years in high school, so all in all I have been playing this sport almost all my life. I started baseball with the Red Bud T-ball team, the team had a count of 15 people including me and excluding the coaches. Those 15 kids playing on that team became some of my bestest friends and greatest teammates to have. Most of them ended up being with me until we couldn't play khoury league anymore, and then only about 3 or 5 of them played school ball with me.…
Here is the story of the time I learned to hike a steep hill and learned to belay, a crazy day. It was humid in my house so when my friend Isabella M. asked if I would go hiking with her family on Hise MTN. , I obviously said yes, it would be my first time hiking. I packed a backpack and begun the walk to her house. We hopped into a car and began the drive to the mountain.…
, we heard something moving around on the roof, It hopped off to a nearby branch overhead, it was only a squirrel looking for some acorns. There was a faint noise to my right that my cousin did not hear so I nudged him and quietly told him about it. As the noise got louder and louder we quietly put our guns up and waited. A small doe walks out if the forest into the clearing and we both knew that it's not big enough to shoot so we lowered our guns back on the floor. Hours go by without seeing…
My vision started to fail on mile four of the six-mile hike. Small white specks flickered across my field of vision. The next thing to go was my hearing, followed by my ability to walk in a straight line. My platoon sergeant saw the signs of heat stroke and forced me to stop. I should have stopped myself, but all I could think was: you will finish this, or you will die trying.…
All the lights went out, leaving us in almost total darkness except for the pale platinum moonlight that drifted in through the broken glass. “Look!” one of the men gasped. “There it is, over by the front door!” I turned and saw a luminous apparition twisting by the entrance.…
Everyone at one point or another has an event happen in their lives where they learn something very important. Sometimes, what a person will learn, changes their lives forever. Many times, these life changing events are dangerous or very costly. It is events like these that people will acquire wisdom. I recently had an event like this.…