On 6Jul16 at 0951 hrs. I, Deputy Halbasch, along with Chief Deputy Parks obtained a statement from Derrick about the incident.
Prior to contact with Derrick, Chief Deputy Parks informed me he was in his cell, nude, and was thinking he was swatting at bugs to get them away from him. Chief Deputy Parks asked Derrick if he would speak with us, and he stated he would. We escorted Derrick to the Jail Interview Room where I read Derrick the Miranda Rights card to him word for word. During the 1st reading, Derrick stated he didn’t understand after starting to ask Chief Deputy Parks a personal question. I started reading the rights cards again from the beginning and Derrick stated he understood & he would speak with us about the incident.
In his statement Derrick stated the following: He was released from jail and found that two people he had observed in the past both in Bemidji & Fridley started chasing him as they wanted money from him. Derrick proceeded to Walker, then back to Park Rapids. He proceeded to inform us he went to a Larry & Alicia’s home (full info unknown) where he asked for a ride & Larry dropped him off about 6 miles out town. Once there, he found the 2 people there again and he went to the door at 12862 220th St where he was trying to ask for help. Once there, Derrick admitted to having his shirt around his head …show more content…
Derrick stated while he was in the entry way of the home he was afraid as the people chasing him had guns. Derrick continued to state that we, as law enforcement, was shooting shotguns full of insects & ‘devilish things’ at him, and that I dropped him off at the library before I brought him to the Jail. Derrick stated he used a water bottle to knock on the door, not the golf club, and knew the door was locked as he could not open it. Derrick stated the golf clubs were located in the entryway and described where they