After crime reports are submitted by law enforcement officers, information regarding stolen vehicles, stolen firearms, missing and wanted persons, and stolen articles, such as laptops, televisions, and lawn equipment. The owner of the stolen items are required to provide the owner with the serial number, otherwise there is nothing that can be done to recover the stolen item. The only exception is jewelry, which must have some type of photo identification. Any information about the stolen item, such as serial numbers, colors, and estimated values, are entered into the database system. In addition, this information is hand written on index cards and placed in a designated filing cabinet. Documentation is very important in this field. Everything that occurs must be documented, such as missing juvenile that has been found. This individuals name would be removed from the GCIC database and recorded in the record book for missing persons with the name, date, and case …show more content…
This report must include the arresting officer’s name, the suspects involved, the date, the time, and a narrative describing the situation that occurred. Typically, this information is read aloud in the courtroom during the plea bargaining process to make sure that the information is current before the judge imposes a sentence on the defendant. Documentation is very important in the field of criminal justice as our professors have emphasized. In addition, other courses that is relevant to law enforcement is “Intro to Criminal Justice” and “Police Administrations.” We learned that law enforcement agencies are one of the three major components of the criminal justice system. In both of these classes, we reflect on the history of law enforcement agencies, which first developed as a result of Sir Robert Peel and the “Bobbies” that provided social control in Britain. Today’s modern law enforcement agencies are nothing more than descendants of the Bobbies. They are more formal, hierarchically organized in nature with a wealth of policies and procedures that governs their