Diane J. Hines
November 23, 2014
Steven J. Duplissis, J.D.
Leading Group Challenges
Organizations incorporated in the criminal justice system include the court system, corrections and police departments. There are daily challenges within each of these agencies to deal with and the leaders must have the understanding and experience to handle the challenges within the agencies. In the criminal justice system each of the agencies play a role and the foundation in each agency is built from the leadership contained within.
Conflict and Control Challenges There are conflicts between the many agencies in the criminal justice system. When the police arrest and charge an individual with a crime, the …show more content…
The decision makers in the criminal justice system are appointed or elected for their positions. Most states regulates that the judges are appointed by the governor or voted in by the people. Either way a person views it, it is a political challenge. The federal judges are appointed by the president of the United States and verified by the Senate. The Supreme Court of the United States is strongly persuaded by the political process (Duelin, 2012). Preventing politics involvement in the various criminal justice agencies is a must. Every agency has a job to do and when politics get involved it obstructs the completion of the job. Since the various jobs are voted by the people or appointed by an official, politics need to be nonexistent. There are several corrupt officials in the United States because politics get in the way. Politics are present with police officers, the court system and corrections. In the future for positive things to happen, it is essential these agencies disconnect the politics from the purpose of the job (Duelin, …show more content…
Majority of the agencies in the criminal justice system rely on funding from the state or local donations to operate and occasionally the state or local officials will have to prepare sever cuts to the budget due to the economy. Disastrously, a reduction in staff is caused because the funds for salaries are not there. No one wants a reduction in police or correctional officers, therefore, budget cuts are probably the largest challenge that the leaders with the criminal justice system faces. The criminal justice system needs all the potential man power it can get to fight the war on crime. When agencies are forced to cut staff due to the budget, the crime rates rise. Offenders on probation are subject to less supervision since the funds are not there for each offender to receive adequate supervision. Budget challenges have a different effect on each agency, nonetheless no agency wants staff to be cut because the public will not be adequately protected (Bryant,