Then next step in the process is to determine options that are available to resolve the ethical dilemma that the nursing shortage will create. In order for nurses to practice ethically, compassionately, and at optimal performance, strategies to combat …show more content…
According to Kearney-Nunnery (2016), deontology focuses on obligations, duties and rules. The nursing shortage will result in inadequate staffing which is likely to result in ethical dilemmas for nurses. In keeping with the deontology theory, nurses will experience moral distress based on what their duty is according to the Nursing Code of Ethics and actually performing their duty. My ELI reveals I am a thinker and my analytical tool for critically thinking is reason. I am aware of my tendency to over-analyze situations, especially ethical ones, as I search for solutions. As my paper indicated, when the nurse staffing is not appropriate, patient outcomes are poorer. Families are affected when they know their family member is not receiving the best of care. Healthcare works are affected as their stress levels increase which often results in job …show more content…
This is probably why my gift, according to ELI, is self-knowledge. I enjoy precepting new nurses and hope to continue for many more years. There is only so much nursing school can teach. The on-the-job training picks up where the school left off. When I consider the current and impending nursing shortage and how we should prepare, I believe it should begin with the new generation of nurses. New nurse graduates need role models who exemplify strong autonomous behavior so they can become independent and confident. We should nurture, support and encourage them for they will have a heavy burden to