This chapter did an excellent job of covering the difference between a leader and a manager, in addition to how the skills could be used together. Reflecting back to the prompt of when I was a manager with an abundance amount of work, I began evaluating what characteristics I demonstrated in the situation. I wanted to know if any of those characteristics had a positive or negative effect over my team. Also, what type of leadership style did I use and was it effective. For the most part I did demonstrate many positive characteristics such as adaptability and cooperativeness, but initially I lacked in areas like providing a clear vision. I followed a mixture of autocratic and democratic leadership style (Marquis, 2014, p. 42). So, I was able to direct and maintain control over the employees, but also used some of their input when delegating the tasks, which enhanced productivity. After reading some other students posts I discovered many of them, including Kayla Joseph would lead their teams or groups in a similar ways of delegating what needs to be done to each employee but valued their input. This lead me to think the combination of autocratic and democratic leadership style would be an effective leadership style in most situations. In the future I want to continue rallying my team by using teaming work and valuing their input but also want to improve my skills by …show more content…
Chapter four is a very complex chapter about ethical issues and focuses on the applied ethical decision making as a critical leadership role for mangers (Marquis, 2014, p. 71). Nurses are often places in situations where they are expected to be agents for patients, physicians, and the organization simultaneously, all of which may have conflicting needs, wants and goals (Marquis, 2014, p. 71). From previous nursing classes I learned about different ethical framework including teleological, deontological, rights based reasoning, and intuitional theories, as well as different ethical principles such as autonomy, beneficence, nonmaleficence and more. This helped me analyze how nurses handle situations in a way that would uphold the American Nurses Association Code of Ethics for Nurses. However, with the world being so diverse, as a nurse you never know what type of situation your going to have to address. This chapter taught me that there many not always be a clear answer, so creating multiple alternatives, getting other people opinions and staying true to your morals and beliefs is