Coaching Leadership Style Analysis

Great Essays
Define what type of leadership style best fits your abilities.
The leadership style the best fits into my abilities is the coaching leadership. Developed by Paul Hersey and Kenneth Blanchard in the late 1960s, Daniel Goleman in 2002 made it famous by including the coaching leader as one of the existing leadership styles (Boykins, Campbell, Moore & Nayyar, 2013). Coaching leadership style distinctively outline roles and tasks of followers, but the followers are included in the sharing of ideas and suggestions, and open communication style, but the leader still makes the ultimate decision (Boykins et al., 2013). According to Boykins et al. (2013), coaching leadership style is often applicable to any settings where performance or results need
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Transformational leadership theory is defined as the process of how a person’s interaction with others affects the ability to create a bonding relationship that results in a mutual trust and motivates both the leader and the followers naturally and as duty demands (Joseph & Huber, 2015). The essence of transformational theories is the leader’s sense of responsibility in transforming the members through their inspirational and enigmatic personality, with the aim of leading them successor to achieve a common goal (Grossman & Valiga, 2012). As indicated by Grossman and Valiga (2012), transformational leaders not only have a vision and inspire but also creates an element of empowerment of caring for people and ensuring followers success by encouraging, convincing and renewing their faith and enthusiasm about their goals and vision. One of the best qualities of a transformational leader is ensuring that all members of the group move together in achieving success. My aspirations as a transformational leader are to instill in my students an enthusiasm, motivation, and vision with purpose and the can-do attitude of reaching success in anything that you put your mind to because failure is not an option (Stanley, 2011). In applying my transformational leadership style to my role as an educator, I plan on using knowledge and training to stimulate and inspire new innovative …show more content…
Not only is nursing linked to practicing with compassionate care but also being a servant leadership, dedicated to ensuring success in followers, able to meet their needs, while coaching them in their professional practice and provide service as a primary motivator. As a transformational leader with I envision myself as being to lead by example with confidence and in a way that inspires and motivate others, creating an atmosphere of mutual respect and loyalty, praising and encouraging good work ethics in all followers (Grossman & Valiga, 2012). As I undertake this new path in my career as a nurse educator, my goal is to instill academic excellence through critical thinking and excellent decision-making abilities; build the confidence of the students and above all guide students to endow themselves with passion and compassion for the nursing profession. Additionally while guiding students to developing sound moral and ethical principles, become an excellent patient advocate and have an affinity for achieving high quality and excellence in providing safe patient care. In five years I envision myself as proficient motivational and inspirational nurse educator, dedicated to guiding the next generation of nurses who will champion the cause of ensuring the progression of the nursing profession into a new era of practicing to the full

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