“Load up the car,” said my mom. It was spring break and we were getting ready to leave for Washington D.C. Another thrilling adventure that we were ready to encounter. I was so exuberant that I could not hold it in. This would be the first time I would be going to see the Washington D.C. in my life. My mom was readying up the car and my dad was too. I was loading all my stuff up and getting some games to play on the car ride to the hotel which was about halfway or more to Washington D.C. I packed my IPad, movies to watch with my brother, and games to play also. Me and my brother agreed on a few movies and we were all set and ready to go. “Bump,” we were on the road. We started to drive and I played on my IPad and me and my brother played some multiplayer games. I was super anxious to get there. My stomach was twisting and turning and it wouldn’t stop. We saw mountains and even drove through a valley which was pretty neat. We saw mature tree’s along with forests and big rolling hills. When we finally got to the hotel we went right to sleep. The next morning we were on the road again with more thrills and adventures to come. We stopped at my Uncle Arn’s house and stayed for the night. In the morning we went to church and then we drove just …show more content…
That week we saw many monuments and war memorials. One of the items we saw was the Vietnam memorial. Another was, the Jefferson memorial. On Wednesday or Thursday we saw the Smithsonian. This was my favorite part by far. I especially like the Smithsonian with all the artifacts. This one had a timeline of what humans started out as to now and it even had the original american flag. Cool right! That week we did many other activities and even went to a diner that was on tv. Then it was time to go home, a sad ending to a great week. We packed up our stuff and drove a long trip that seemed never