My Integrity In Nursing

Superior Essays
When I left the room, I was relieved. But the long train ride home gave me time to reflect on my behavior. I knew of the punishments to come, but was grateful that I was not going to be removed from the program. Since then, all I have done is think and attempt to heal the wounds that I have suffered. I realize that I was not removed from the program because within me is the potential to be an honest, ethical, and good nurse. I am destined for that. What has happened to me these past two years is what was. I was a broken man with a mindset full of panic, fear, and suffering. That mindset undermined my integrity. My integrity became unsound and it impacted my career as a growing nurse. I cheated. I take full responsibility for my actions. Now, …show more content…
Integrity itself is a concept that elicits other moral goods. Humility, empathy, justice, and perserverence all must be taken into account when nursing is considered (RNL). The field of nursing therefore can be understood as multi-faceted but true to the core value of integrity. Through integrity we gain these other moral truths that make us better as caregivers. Humility is the ability to realize that we are not omniscient nor omnipresent. As nurses we have to rely on the entire healthcare team to accomplish our goals. A failure to do so leads to bad outcomes for the patients, and it diminishes the very essence of nursing as a team-wide endeavor. The only way to have true humility is to have integrity since the concepts are linked not only theoretically, but also in day-to-day …show more content…
Justice may be what is deserving, what is honest, and even sometimes what is necessary. In nursing, however, justice may be more accurately described as an attempt to rid the world of inequalities and promote what is fair and equal. As a nursing student, justice starts in the classroom. Is the decision to cheat on an exam fair to my fellow students who study so hard to learn and hopefully one day become role models in their nursing careers? Is the decision to cheat fair to the faculty who tirelessly put in the effort to train us and mold us into the caregivers of the world? I realize that the answer is no. I think I knew the answer before, but I know it to be even more true now. I cannot provide justice as a nurse in the clinical setting if I cannot provide justice in the classroom. Having integrity as a nursing student is what will give me the ability to have integrity as a nurse. Providing justice for those around me in the classroom is what will give me the ability to provide justice in the clinical setting. In this way, it can be understood that justice and integrity are linked as self-providing models to create a healthier healthcare setting for both patients and for the nurses that serve these

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