It is with no much doubt that the health care industry, above any other shows a high degree of concern for issues encompassing the wellness of their clients (patients). Ethical quandaries in health care are often times enthralling and exacting because it puts the health care worker in a position to come up with decision(s) that attempts to balance two or maybe more diverse opinions, both of which have their own ethical excellence. Every day, doctors, nurses and other health professionals are forced to make ethical decisions that abide by the code of ethics set by ethical committees in the health sector. The purpose of the codes is to guide healthcare givers towards identifying, understanding, and resolving tough ethical decisions that involves patients and their families. However, each ethical quandary demands a tradeoff of …show more content…
They may even begin to ponder on questions such as: Have I taken the right decision? Is there a different intervention method I ought to use? Is there a more efficient way of providing this care? Etc. sometimes, after hours of practice trying to resuscitate the infant; they may ponder on “how have I made a difference in the life of the infant and its family? Could I have done better? Could I have rendered a different kind of