My family forced wisdom, patience and valuable lessons in life onto my life. By they providing me with these important things that I needed to know, I 'm stronger, better equipped and more understanding to things I encounter in my life.
Having family that’s full of wisdom and of kind nature has been the biggest gift that they could have ever given to me; my mother, father and Aunt Michelle were the main people in my life proving me with an essential guidance before it was even relevant to me for example, how to be happy all by myself, how love the little moments and victories that happen to me, and of course the how to pay bills and then …show more content…
My mother, father and Aunt Michelle are big parts of my life because each of them has help me get to this place where, I’m more confident, happy and patient with things that I encounter. My family and forced wisdom, patience and valuable lessons in life onto my life, sometimes sooner than I needed them and other times, right on time. They providing me with these important things that I needed. Because of this, I 'm stronger, better equipped and more understanding to things I encounter in my