Mentor's Feedback Essay

Improved Essays
Mentor’s Feedback:

Was student:

*Prepared? This would include turning the activity planning form ahead of time, having all of the materials ready to go, letting the other adults in the classroom know how they can support student, per-reading a children’s book several times (if applicable), knowing the words to songs and finger plays by heart, etc. Yes, prior to the activity Rayshell drew a life sized game board on the cement area. She had the necessary materials on a tray easily accessible. She informed the teachers in what ways we would support her. For instance, she told me to have the children sit in a group so she would be able to introduce the activity before the children were dismissed to play.

*Able to hold children’s interest?

Yes, for a short amount of time. On the day of Rayshell activity it was really windy and the children were more excited to find
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Yes, Rayshell gave the students a ten minute warning. Next, she gave them a five minute warning before it was time to clean up. She involved the children to assist her to clean-up. For instance, the children helped her to tear off the tape that was on the rock and put them in a container. Succeeding she transitioned to departure time at the red table.

Comments: (please provide additional feedback that will benefit the student)

Rayshell there are times that we plan for an activity but the children may show interest in something else. Next time, I would follow the children’s lead regarding finding plums and talking to them about the wind. This was interest at the time. It is okay if they don’t participate in the activity the lab is child focused. As an educator we have to understand that when we are working with children what we plan is not always what happens. To me this was a great learning opportunity for you because you are able to reflect and think about what you could have done

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