Katha Pollitt What's Wrong With Gay Marriage Summary

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The first essay was “What’s Wrong with Gay Marriage?” by Katha Pollitt. Katha Pollitt was for Gay marriage. Pollitt thinks her idea is write because she uses logical things. For instance she says that there still is “ forced marriages, child marriages, marriages predicated on the subjugation of women- gay marriage is like a fairy-tale romance compared with most chapters of the history of wedlock,(Pollitt 460). Pollitt basically says how it is ridiculous how we let these types of marriages but we do not allow people of the same sex to get married. She basically says all marriage is just “love, commitment, stability,”(Pollitt 461). She hates it that the government allows people to get married when they are “Man and women is “sacred,” and …show more content…
This is because certain religions do not like it when gays get married because it's not what god wants. Separation of church and state is basically so the government does not make rules and laws because of religion it has to be an actual issue. Pollitt also thinks that it is ridiculous how a man and a women can get married but gays can’t. She tells and explains this by “married men are much less likely than singles to kill people, crash the car, take drugs, commit suicide - although it overlooks such husbandly failings as domestic violence, child abuse, infidelity and abandonment. If a man rapes his wife instead of his date, it probably won’t show up on a police blotter….” (Pollitt 460). She thinks it is ridiculous because this can happen but yet someone the same sex cannot get …show more content…
Charles Colson writes about gay marriage because he is against it. Colson agree with President Bush when he had said “It should be, because the consequences of having”gay marriage” forced on us by Judicial (or mayoral) fiat will fall on all americans - not just those who embrace it,” (Colson 464).Colson is a strong believer of the amendment made by President Bush. Colson is not agreeing with gay marriage while other people are, he tries to declare that the people are confused on why they think the way they think is right. Colson tries to prove them wrong. Colson disagrees with gay marriage because he think it will make people, not have children and without children can ruin society. Colson explains this by “Marriage is the traditional building block of human society, intended both to unite couples and bring children into the world. Tragically, the sexual revolution led to the decoupling of marriage and procreation; same-sex “marriage would pull them completely apart, leading to an explosive increase in family collapse, out-of-wedlock births - and crime,(Colson 465). Colson also tries to convince the readers that gay marriage is a bad thing for society because of broken families and uses statistics to show how many children, when they become adults; become rapists or get into trouble. In the last paragraph Colson mentions “Marriage is not a private institution designed solely for the

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